The second Vietnam adoption process is going very well. It has been SO much easier than the first. God is faithfully bringing in the finances and we have such great peace about the timing for travel (Maybe beginning-ish of 2009.)
We will go on the waiting list around Feb. 1 and our hope is that we will except a referral at the end of the year.
Our Gods Grace Adoption Ministry Grant met its final goal. May God bless their organization for how they have helped us... and Thank you to ALL our family and friends who helped make it possible.
Her look-a-like baby
Little Avi Joy is doing well. I recently saw a clip of Selah wanting to call herself Thu, well Avi Joy is right there with her because she will say Avi Thi, but not Avi Joy. She will say her name "Avi Thi Perryman" or she will enter "Avi Please Thi Perryman."
Passing along...
Her favorite books are:
"Mr. Brown can Moo! Can you?" by Dr, Seuss
"The Very Dizzy Dinosaurs" by Jack Tickle
"We're different, we're the same" Sesame Street, by Bobbi Kates
Her favorite toys are:
Her streetwalker hot pink lepoard-print purse
All bowls and spoons
Playing house with her baby doll
Favorite activities:
Taking showers with mom
getting together with her friends
Watching Sesame Street and dancing
To end on a dancing note (sorry so dark, but she did not know I was taping and I didn't want to distract her from shakin' it)
"Shake Your Body to the Ground" by Avi Joy
Now that the Tulsa Ice Storm, Christmas and New Years has passed the Perryman household is excited for 2008.
Some goals for the family are to take vitamins, start an adoption ministry at our church, stay active, produce more artwork and become closer to the Lord each day.
We look forward to seeing many of you at Lunar New Year Celebration and Vietnam Family Weekend!
Love, Adam, Natasha and Avi Joy
"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic prinicples of this world rather than on Christ. For in Christ all fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority." Colossians 2:8-10