This is a basket full of blessings from my girlfriend
Heather. She has been saving up to take my growing family on a shopping spree at Sams. She is a mom of 7 kiddos and chooses to bless me! I should be babysitting for her right?!?

Playing peek-a-boo with mommy... I snapped her right when she lifted the covers. I love this sweet face.

Avi Joy loves painting. Making her handprint is by far her favorite thing to do.

The ultimate flashback. I walk by and she looks exactly like our first week in VN. Ohhh doesn't that just melt your heart. Five months old in Vietnam and here at home, 2 years old.

Here is her new bag for Vietnam... she walks around the house 'practicing.'

We love our little Nehemiah. We are starting to work on his room: cleaning, painting, organizing and moving her crib into his room. She will transition to a toddler bed.
We are looking forward to our little boy shower being thrown by friends/family.

Amazing Australian Bird exhibit at our zoo. She could have fed those birds all day long!
Hanging with
Ian before his parents left for VN to meet his brother
Drew. These two were hams together, compete crack-ups I tell you!

Avi Joy has a new doll and I asked what she wanted to name her... ON HER OWN- she said "Dori." I said, "Really? How about DoriGrace?" She said, "OK, hello baby
DoriGrace!" Here she was playing "lunch" with DoriGrace.

Today, August 4th, Adam and I are celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary. The guy on the street who we asked to take our picture apparently prefers the red wall to my legs. Thank goodness my man is not a leg man, he just interested in anal-artsy-wild-prayerful-natasha.
I love you sweet baby, each year gets better than the last!
(p.s. to those who think this little black dress is low-cut, which includes myself, just know that my husband bought it for me to wear on our date (a new dress and tickets to Phantom)... so kudos to him, it is a fun 'date with your hubby' dress but not-so-much out with your prayer team type of dress, hehe.)
My lesson for the day from Beth Moore
Satan's agenda, "I have come so you may NOT have life," from Luke 8:12
Jesus' agenda, "I have come so you have HAVE life and have it to the full," from John 10:10
With LOVE,
Adam, Natasha, Avi Joy and Nehemiah