Natasha, Avi Joy and Nehemiah
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Summer Fun Playdate #3
We headed out to Jenks this morning for a Riverwalk playdate. The kids played at the splashpad then we had lunch on the amphitheater stage!
Each playdate I have posted pictures and each time I picked a favorite. This one of Karsyn is precious. She actually got the 1st, 2nd and 3rd favorites this time. She was having a cute day!
Oh the tushie love.
I spoiled the moms with Sweet and Salty Bars. (Chocolate, butterscotch, pretzles, oat crust) They were good and melty when we ate them, yum.
Thank you friends! You are each a blessing.
Natasha, Avi Joy and Nehemiah
Natasha, Avi Joy and Nehemiah
Monday, June 29, 2009
From There to Here... Avi Joy's Story
(She has on her Vietnam-p.j.'s in the video. Everyone wears these lightweight long sleeve/pant type p.j.'s all over Vietnam!)
We had a great time working at India Camp last week.
Here is Avi Joy with her two favorite friends, Jadyn and Steven.
(Jadyn- India, Steven- China, but sis is Indian)
"Do you hear what these children are saying?" they asked him.
"Yes," replied Jesus, "have you never read,"
'From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise'?"
Matthew 21:16
Thoughts about Nehemiah's "little procedure" and To Be Free Women's ministry on International Blend.
The P's
(She has on her Vietnam-p.j.'s in the video. Everyone wears these lightweight long sleeve/pant type p.j.'s all over Vietnam!)
We had a great time working at India Camp last week.
Here is Avi Joy with her two favorite friends, Jadyn and Steven.
(Jadyn- India, Steven- China, but sis is Indian)
"Yes," replied Jesus, "have you never read,"
'From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise'?"
Matthew 21:16
Thoughts about Nehemiah's "little procedure" and To Be Free Women's ministry on International Blend.
The P's
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Hey Y'all
We were beyond blessed to tag-along on a business trip with Adam to Grapevine, TX. This was our family's four day summer vacation... (Seriously beyond amazed that God knew we wanted a mini-vacation but didn't have the resources to take one, He provides- or provided thorough Adam's work anyway!)
We stayed at the beautiful Gaylord Texan. The inside looks like San Antonio's Riverwalk, but completely enclosed. Which was great since it was over 100 each day we were there.
They had lots of things to do on the inside: train sets, pools, shops and many restaurants. Here are two little cowboys hanging at a saloon.
In 5th-8th grade I lived in Arlington, TX. My childhood best friends name was Jenny and we have stayed in touch all these years even after I moved back to OK. Here we are in the early 90's hanging out at the lake.
We met up with Jenny and her boyfriend Lear for dinner at the Blue Fish. We were able to catch up on life now and share fun memories of old times. I was glad that they were able to meet our children and show them what is in store for them in the future!
Then we headed to Heritage Park and Botanical Gardens for a playdate.
We met Amy and William at the park and the kids played until they dropped! William and Avi Joy loved the spider web, overall the park was perfect. Amy traveled a couple months after we traveled for Avi Joy. We take every opportunity to get together with Vietnam families and Amy was such a joy to talk with all morning! Thank you for meeting up with our family.
The hotel had two great pools and we were able to go swimming one afternoon with The Logan Family.
My mom and Patty (and Gary) became best friends while we lived in TX. They have also kept in touch all these years. We all met when I was about 11, so they have seen me grow up. Here they are with their oldest daughter Olivia.
After swimming we went to their house for dinner. Avi Joy had a blast playing with Olivia and Isabel. (the baby from above is now 12 and holding her sis) Our kids pulled a serious push-through as we did not leave there house until almost 10pm.
On our last day we walked the Grapevine Mills Mall. After they hopped on this ice cream truck, I became totally inspired for their Halloween costumes. So be on the look-out for that! (Yes, I know, most of our friends do not celebrate Halloween, but we do. We are in the world and not of it... but you never know, maybe we will be out and get to share Jesus with someone dressed-up as a serial killer. I LOVE dressing up, it is fun for us and we will attend events for Halloween that I feel are family friendly.)
Here was the sad part of our vacation. We could tell Nehemiah was not feeling well by the 3rd day of the trip. By the time we reached home (10pm on Wed night) he had vomited all over and was running a 106.5 temp!!! Can you believe that, oh poor guy. So we took him to the ER to get the fever down and to see what was going on. He has an acute eardrum infection and is now on antibiotics. He is doing ok. Not healthy, still really fussy, but no fever.
Anyone who knows us knows that we are total foodies. We were so grateful to have Adam's daily per diem to spend for food. We asked the locals for recommendations for restaurants. We ate a lot (as most do on vacation) but our fav's were Anamia's and Flips. YUM.
We also enjoyed Christmas shopping at World Market. If you have not been to one, Oh My Word, I love it. We bought gifts, baby shower presents and something for each of us. I am glad they do not have one here, any extra money could not stay in my wallet!
"For the Father knows what you need before you ask Him." Matthew 6:8
More to come,
Adam, Natasha, Avi Joy and Nehemiah
We stayed at the beautiful Gaylord Texan. The inside looks like San Antonio's Riverwalk, but completely enclosed. Which was great since it was over 100 each day we were there.

We also enjoyed Christmas shopping at World Market. If you have not been to one, Oh My Word, I love it. We bought gifts, baby shower presents and something for each of us. I am glad they do not have one here, any extra money could not stay in my wallet!
"For the Father knows what you need before you ask Him." Matthew 6:8
More to come,
Adam, Natasha, Avi Joy and Nehemiah
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Fathers Day
Happy Fathers Day Adam!
We started the day by hanging out with Adam' s grandpa, dad and brother. Here are all the men on his side plus their little ones. We enjoyed a wonderful homemade lunch and played for a couple of hours with their cousins.
Then I surprised Adam with a night out. We were blessed that the Fishers came over to babysit. We started the evening with a Fathers Day Package through Love Your Skin. He was treated to a deep back/neck massage while his car was detailed. Since he has scoliosis he deserves a good beating to release those knots. And when he came out his car was pristine.
Then we headed over to The Gaucho where Andra and I planned to get our two men together. Adam and Greg used to work together and are best buds. We always teased them that they were work boyfriends and now that they do not get to see each other every day, their little hearts are sad. So we had an awesome 3 hours hanging out with them!
When we came home the Fishers said the kids did great and that Nehemiah had to have Jarad at all times! Avi Joy hammed it up by playing, "watch what I can do" all night: singing, dancing and the like for their entertainment.
Here are Adam's first two moments of being a daddy. These are literally the first second that he held both children!
Avi Joy: September 6, 2006. Ninh Thuan, Vietnam.
Nehemiah: January 4, 2009. Can Tho, Vietnam.
I asked Adam on our date some of his favorite and least favorite things about being a daddy...
Cuddle time at night, Sharing snacks, The warm welcome when he comes home from work and Playing games
Least Fav's
Screaming in the car, Question repeating and Poopy diapers
Adam is a wonderful dad. He both tells them and shows them his love everyday. We look forward to watching our kids bloom and his role continue to grow in wisdom and love.
We made a project for my dad. First, both kids painted a treasure box.
Then we made banana bread with Vietnamese banana's.
We then wrapped them up, put them inside the box and sent it to Atlanta. We included pictures of the kids making the project and baking the bread.
"I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness."
Jeremiah 31:3
Adam, Natasha, Avi Joy and Nehemiah
We started the day by hanging out with Adam' s grandpa, dad and brother. Here are all the men on his side plus their little ones. We enjoyed a wonderful homemade lunch and played for a couple of hours with their cousins.
Then we headed over to The Gaucho where Andra and I planned to get our two men together. Adam and Greg used to work together and are best buds. We always teased them that they were work boyfriends and now that they do not get to see each other every day, their little hearts are sad. So we had an awesome 3 hours hanging out with them!
Here are Adam's first two moments of being a daddy. These are literally the first second that he held both children!
Avi Joy: September 6, 2006. Ninh Thuan, Vietnam.
Cuddle time at night, Sharing snacks, The warm welcome when he comes home from work and Playing games
Least Fav's
Screaming in the car, Question repeating and Poopy diapers
Adam is a wonderful dad. He both tells them and shows them his love everyday. We look forward to watching our kids bloom and his role continue to grow in wisdom and love.
We made a project for my dad. First, both kids painted a treasure box.
Jeremiah 31:3
Adam, Natasha, Avi Joy and Nehemiah
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Who are you child?
Today we had our second Summer Fun playdate. We have a local splash pad, so we all headed over to play in the water followed by lunch at the adjacent park. Jen, Kristina, Lindsey, Kristin, Sarah, Kim and Allison (along with 15 children between us) were all able to make it. The weather was truly perfect.
Jen's daughter Maddie, 7 months.
Avi Joy's favorite spot.
Lindsey's son James. He introduced Avi Joy to mud. I know folks, she had yet to have the desire to play in the mud, but she had a great time. They all had as much fun playing in the mud as the splash pad itself.
I am in charge of spoiling the mom's who come to the playdate so today was... chocolate covered strawberries (rolled in all kinds of goodies).
In other news- Our handsome man turned 13 months today. We have been a family of four for 6 months now! He just looks totally kissable in this picture. But I am slightly biased.
While Nehemiah slept yesterday Avi Joy and I played Beauty Shop. She got the works: nails, toes, full make-up and for the first time ever, I flat-ironed her hair. It was truly a "who are you child?" moment!!! (and that was probably the first and last time be/c I am totally head over heels for her curls.)
My precious gift from God. stung me again this morning with its daily email...
"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."
1 John 3:18
Have a great week,
The Perrymans
"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."
1 John 3:18
Have a great week,
The Perrymans
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Vietnam Camp
(Get ready. Set. Go. This is a whopper of a post)
Over the weekend of June 12 -13th Dillon International held the 3rd Annual Vietnam Family Heritage Camp. There were over 75 children in attendance (Vietnamese children and their siblings- either biological or adopted from other countries) A total of 200 people.
All camp attendee's have had a child born in Vietnam join their family. There were eight different provinces (birth city/orphanages) represented among the children.
Camp is a time for your child to be submerged in the culture of their homeland through song, dance, art, food, dress, language and interaction with other Vietnamese adoptees. Most parents have followed each others adoption journey's and it is a great time for us to meet, talk and make lifelong friendships as well.
Many staff and volunteers worked tirelessly to make sure camp was a success and for all who attended we hope the time you and your child spent at camp was very rewarding!
Here is an overview of the events...
Camp Director Whitney McIntire welcomed families and introduced Dillon's founders Jerry and Deniese Dillon. Deniese reminded the families of their heart for orphans and how the staff at Dillon prayed for our children even before they became ours forever. Jerry opened the nights events with a special word of prayer, asking us to pray in our hearts along with him as we went before our Heavenly Father.
Ten Tigers came out and performed an exciting Dragon Dance for camp! The kiddo's loved the dragon and accompanying Asian music.
Then each group of tables (14 total) were called up to the stage and the families were introduced. Everyone then enjoyed dinner from Jason's Deli. All children went to activity rooms and the parents went to Coffee Talk. All three of these (introductions, dinner, Coffee Talk) were implemented as requests from last year. Parents wanted a time to know the families by name/province, enjoy dinner and have a time to mingle and relax without the children. All were a perfect addition to camp.
Families also had a chance to reunite with their travel group. It is wonderful to see one another as they were literally "in the delivery room" with you. It is also fun to see other travel groups you followed (sometimes up to 4 families blogs at a time) and see their children together. Precious!
From our second travel group we were able to see the Razavi's from St. Louis and the Robbins from China, who are on furlough. Both we traveled with in January. Here is a precious picture of Annie, adopted same day as Nehemiah. (And of course we are always able to see the Homans from our first travel group, but were not able to meet up with the Davis', Reeders or the Le's this year.)
The morning started off with lots of pictures. Each family with their children in traditional dress, a whole group picture, then each province had a group picture.
The mid-morning was filled with 16 different activities for the children to do with their parent. Some of the most enjoyed were the slap bracelets, fan painting, Ox handprint bags, Tet street scene and motorbike races. Here Avi Joy is sticking her people and lanterns to her Tet scene.
We had the most delicious Vietnamese lunch catered by Ri-Le's! We had a sweet time hanging at our table with the Sweets. We became good friends with the Sweet family when we were both in the Kazakhstan program with Dillon when it closed and we both switched to Vietnam.
The children returned to their activity rooms and Tonnie opened with news about OrphanCare and how every dollar we give impacts children. Jynger talked to us about Vietnam's plans on re-opening adoptions hopefully in 2011. Then parents were blessed to hear speaker Kim-Lan who shared "The fingerprints of God".
Her grandmother domestically adopted her mother. Then her mother adopted her during Operation Baby Lift from Vietnam, then she continued this legacy of adoption by adopting her daughter from Vietnam. Let me just say, she did a great job... very thought out, transparent and most of the time not a dry eye was seen in the room.
Two of my favorite one liners she said:
When talking about how her grandmother died 2 weeks before her wedding she said, "God showed me that she had the best seat in the house." Ohhhhh.
About adoption she said (something like), "Love transcends country, race and gender. Love is about belonging." Ohhhh, again.
Then we were dismissed by a teary Whitney. Thank you Whitney for all your hard work!
First- I LOVE camp. I LOVE multi-cultural families. I love everything that it does for our children and I love heritage stuff, period! (or exclamation point!)
Second- I will admit that after the last two years of camp, all I could see was that everything needed to improve. So this year our committee (Nadra, Heather, Kerrie, Leigh and myself) worked very hard on trying to make it as best as possible and truly make every change that we wanted to see happen from last year.
(And yet... there is still SO much room for improvement. Maybe I will feel this way every year? humm.)
Third-When I see others maybe not-so-much not enjoying themselves, I get sad. When they are frustrated with the rooms, crafts, food, details, not following the schedule on purpose, I guess I am just take it personally, but I shouldn't. We volunteered almost 40 hours putting this event together and trust me, we want it to be great too!
There were bloopers this year (and I had some personal disappointments that are too ridiculous to share, mostly art project related...)
No plates or serving utensils that delayed lunch. (this was a mis-communication)
No mike in the morning. (it was working later)
Rooms were too small for crafts. (we were in one room last year, so we tried dividing them, it still was over-crowded)
Not enough volunteers to run rooms. (more moms/dads need to help)
Not having crafts/activity ready for families right at 10:30. (this was because pictures were right before and us mom's didn't have enough time to finish pictures as a group and set up crafts)
No Q & A session (a speaker was booked instead)
Now mind you we have not had our debriefing yet, so I am sure between Whitney and us volunteers, we will come up with more changes to make.
BUT, overall... Camp was Awesome!
The children loved it. Families loved the fellowship.
Like Kim-Lan said, Love is about belonging.
Each person in this group of 200 belonged.
We love you and hope you will continue to come to camp.
(And some advice for you from my friend whose been volunteering for Korea camp for over 10 years, "if you want to make it better... please give Dillon your ideas and volunteer!")
AND TRICIA, Oh girl. You spoiled our committee with thank you gifts. Thank you for your thoughtfulness! xoxo.
"In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ..." Ephesians 1:5
The Perryman Family
(Get ready. Set. Go. This is a whopper of a post)
Over the weekend of June 12 -13th Dillon International held the 3rd Annual Vietnam Family Heritage Camp. There were over 75 children in attendance (Vietnamese children and their siblings- either biological or adopted from other countries) A total of 200 people.
All camp attendee's have had a child born in Vietnam join their family. There were eight different provinces (birth city/orphanages) represented among the children.
Camp is a time for your child to be submerged in the culture of their homeland through song, dance, art, food, dress, language and interaction with other Vietnamese adoptees. Most parents have followed each others adoption journey's and it is a great time for us to meet, talk and make lifelong friendships as well.
Many staff and volunteers worked tirelessly to make sure camp was a success and for all who attended we hope the time you and your child spent at camp was very rewarding!
Here is an overview of the events...
Camp Director Whitney McIntire welcomed families and introduced Dillon's founders Jerry and Deniese Dillon. Deniese reminded the families of their heart for orphans and how the staff at Dillon prayed for our children even before they became ours forever. Jerry opened the nights events with a special word of prayer, asking us to pray in our hearts along with him as we went before our Heavenly Father.
Ten Tigers came out and performed an exciting Dragon Dance for camp! The kiddo's loved the dragon and accompanying Asian music.
From our second travel group we were able to see the Razavi's from St. Louis and the Robbins from China, who are on furlough. Both we traveled with in January. Here is a precious picture of Annie, adopted same day as Nehemiah. (And of course we are always able to see the Homans from our first travel group, but were not able to meet up with the Davis', Reeders or the Le's this year.)
The morning started off with lots of pictures. Each family with their children in traditional dress, a whole group picture, then each province had a group picture.
Her grandmother domestically adopted her mother. Then her mother adopted her during Operation Baby Lift from Vietnam, then she continued this legacy of adoption by adopting her daughter from Vietnam. Let me just say, she did a great job... very thought out, transparent and most of the time not a dry eye was seen in the room.
Two of my favorite one liners she said:
When talking about how her grandmother died 2 weeks before her wedding she said, "God showed me that she had the best seat in the house." Ohhhhh.
About adoption she said (something like), "Love transcends country, race and gender. Love is about belonging." Ohhhh, again.
Then we were dismissed by a teary Whitney. Thank you Whitney for all your hard work!
First- I LOVE camp. I LOVE multi-cultural families. I love everything that it does for our children and I love heritage stuff, period! (or exclamation point!)
Second- I will admit that after the last two years of camp, all I could see was that everything needed to improve. So this year our committee (Nadra, Heather, Kerrie, Leigh and myself) worked very hard on trying to make it as best as possible and truly make every change that we wanted to see happen from last year.
(And yet... there is still SO much room for improvement. Maybe I will feel this way every year? humm.)
Third-When I see others maybe not-so-much not enjoying themselves, I get sad. When they are frustrated with the rooms, crafts, food, details, not following the schedule on purpose, I guess I am just take it personally, but I shouldn't. We volunteered almost 40 hours putting this event together and trust me, we want it to be great too!
There were bloopers this year (and I had some personal disappointments that are too ridiculous to share, mostly art project related...)
No plates or serving utensils that delayed lunch. (this was a mis-communication)
No mike in the morning. (it was working later)
Rooms were too small for crafts. (we were in one room last year, so we tried dividing them, it still was over-crowded)
Not enough volunteers to run rooms. (more moms/dads need to help)
Not having crafts/activity ready for families right at 10:30. (this was because pictures were right before and us mom's didn't have enough time to finish pictures as a group and set up crafts)
No Q & A session (a speaker was booked instead)
Now mind you we have not had our debriefing yet, so I am sure between Whitney and us volunteers, we will come up with more changes to make.
BUT, overall... Camp was Awesome!
The children loved it. Families loved the fellowship.
Like Kim-Lan said, Love is about belonging.
Each person in this group of 200 belonged.
We love you and hope you will continue to come to camp.
(And some advice for you from my friend whose been volunteering for Korea camp for over 10 years, "if you want to make it better... please give Dillon your ideas and volunteer!")
AND TRICIA, Oh girl. You spoiled our committee with thank you gifts. Thank you for your thoughtfulness! xoxo.
"In love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ..." Ephesians 1:5
The Perryman Family
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Sneak Peek...
Monday, June 8, 2009
Cooking tradition
While Nehemiah slept we girls whipped up a "Natasha Special" (made-up recipe). This is our tradition when Adam heads out of town. This business trip was only one night, but we spoil ourselves anyway. We decided on Lemon Sugar Cookies, fresh zest and icing...
And ohhh boy were they good!
Decided on a new camera. We got the Canon Rebel T1i. The whole only looking through the viewfinder (on full-auto) is really hard to get used to after a point-and-shoot, but I am getting used to it. I do LOVE the clarity and I can catch every detail quickly. Here are some upclose ones of my little man.

Adam snapped this one of Andrew. Super cute!
Avi Joy snuggling with daddy.
Then bam. A smile. And I was able to catch this nano-second smile with my camera : )
I like the sharp and out-of-focus look too. Nehemiah is sharp while I am slightly blurry.
We had a perfect playdate at the zoo last week. (The Lydens, Mooris, Whites, Butters and us.)
All our children lined up for my favorite thing at the zoo: The Elephant Demo!
Sweet pic of Caleb.
My favorite picture from the zoo. The Ostrich was doing a mating dance to a nearby gulf cart, the zoo keeper says he always thinks she is another Ostrich! (minus three kiddos)
Ever ridden a camel? Me neither. But Karsyn, Avi Joy and Kamryn so enjoyed riding a camel at the zoo. Money well spent I think. We paid for the memory and supported the zoo.
We have a very busy week! Creative Kids Art Camp Tues/Thursday for about 20 kids at Newheart Fellowship followed by Vietnam Family Weekend. Whoo hoo, its going to be wonderful!
"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
This is from HEARTLIGHT. I love their daily email, it really sticks with you.
With love,
Adam, Natasha, Avi Joy and Nehemiah
"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
This is from HEARTLIGHT. I love their daily email, it really sticks with you.
With love,
Adam, Natasha, Avi Joy and Nehemiah
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