Avi Joy's favorite game is "Peekaboo where are you," it sounds like "Peek-boo Where
Iiiiiii Uuuuuu" very drawn out. Is fun because she lets me know when she wants to play just by saying it.
Here is a boom video (it was storming outside) and
Avi Joy saying her ABC's and numbers. Enjoy.
We are calling our Adoption Day, which is next week Sept 7
th, "Sum Hop Day." This phrase is Vietnamese, “Sum Họp” means: to unite, to come together. Every year on September 7
th we will celebrate our Sum Họp Day. The day we came together as a family.
We also were informed that our re-finalization of
Avi Joy’s adoption (in U.S. court) will be September 7
th! We could not believe that it was scheduled on the same day... that day just got a little sweeter.
Top 10 weird things about Natasha (long time
1. I get very
irritated when people invite you to something (wedding, baby shower, birthday) and they do not give you directions on how to get there. (I did call someone last month about how to get there and she said, "
Mapquest it." OK yeah, I called you to tell me that! YOU invited me, I shouldn't have to do the work to get there woman!)
2. I have shoes on from sun up to bed time. Never barefoot, its uncomfortable.
3. I like paperwork. Organizing it one of my spiritual gifts. I am the administrator for our churches prayer team... its a teacher thing. (i.e. control)
4. I am amazed by people who like to run. Running is very hard work. I prefer to dance around the house to worship music or make up silly dances for friends.
5. This is a Big One: I hate people who point out when someones embarrassed. Its bad enough when you are
embarrassed, people seriously, don 't point it out in front of everyone (your so red,
ohhh your
6.I have to pray to do anything! I lived in bondage for over 10 years to anxiety and each day (driving, planning, resting, adventures, etc) I have to pray and pray to not be that old person.
7. I HATE uncomfortable panties. Some days I will change just because I am uncomfortable. No
pantie lines can be seen, no riding-up, not too tight, not too loose, I am a very-picky-
8. I think one of the most rude things you can say when you run into someone is "Hello, Stranger." I know this is supposed to be funny, but it makes a person feel guilty. I am sure this person did not try to call you either. How about, "Let's get together soon!"
9. I adore my friends. I am an only child and my friends are my sisters. I want to be all that I can for them. I know I fall short often, but I love my best friends immensely.
10. OK, its out... I sleep with a
blankie. When I turned 19, I was given this
blankie by my moms friend. I have to sleep with it to get a good nights sleep. Almost 10 years now,
blankie has kept me warm and
Well there it is, a little about Natasha
Top 10 weird things about Adam
1. I am whiter than white, yet am a black man on the inside. (skin is
albinoish, but grew up in the hood.)
2. I have a mystery swelling issue. My case has been taken to Medical Universities and they have classified it as unexplainable. Its scary (throat swells, good thing for
3. I cannot, cannot cut fingernails on
Avi Joy or our dog.
4. I am a computer genuis and stupid people irritate me. I am also an
incredible driver (despite what my wife says) and bad drivers annoy me.
5. I am a man who loves to bake. Bake cookies, pies, any dessert. Regular foods too, turkey, mashed potatoes and steaks. Long line of men bakers in the
fam: grandpa, dad and brother too.
6. I am head over heals in love with our daughter. People think I am married to an Asian when I am out with her alone and never ask me adoption questions.
7. I do not like forwarded emails,
ok this has been forward 10,000 times and I am not passing it on!
8. I grew up a back row baptist boy and now I am a middle row
9. I like computer games, Madden especially.
10. I like old man cars (according to my wife) like the Buick Park Avenue, Oldsmobile Aurora and the Chevy Novas.
Well Adam and I are sitting here with Avi Joy LOVIN our 3 day weekend!
We will post Sum Hop Day pictures in the next couple weeks. For current pictures, go to PHOTOS and click on AUGUST.
Adam, Natasha and Avi Joy
""For My thoughts are not your thoughts,neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher then the earth so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts then your thoughts. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is My Word that goes out from My mouth: It will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:8-12