Our next fundraiser is a Chili day on October 20th. We are praying for favor and a great turn-out.
Avi Joy has learned two new words. Mere and Mon. She uses them often. Where did she learn these two essential words? From her mother saying "Comere" (Come Here) and "Comon" (Come On.) All she is saying is the mere and the mon part. Its very cute because she uses it correctly to get us to do something.
What is the middle finger part? Well I felt like being a little naughty today I guess... I really wouldn't shoot the middle finger at anyone, but we had three instances this week.
1. "Is she yours?" "yes," I say, "oh she doesn't look like you." (Well we all know children that do not look like us can't possibly be 'ours.')
2. "Are you gonna get you another one'a them?" (Like I needed to order another burrito from Buneo)
3. "I know why you had to adopt her... you had a baby that died in your tummy." (granted this was a 10 year old, totally false statement and NO, I didn't "have-to" adopt her. I desired too, she is the greatest gift of my life.)
I guess the questioning goes with how God chose to build our family. I just hope I can answer these questions with love- some day I will have a 17 year old standing next to me and I want to reflect the beauty of adoption at all times.
September 7, 2007
Refinalization of Avi Joy's adoption
(one year to the day of Sum Hop day in Vietnam)
With Love,
Adam, Natasha and Avi Joy
"Surely God is my help; the Lord is the One who sustains me." Psalm 54:4 -This scripture is dedicated to the Cleary family from our church who lost their 18 month old son last week.
That is wonderful news about your fundraiser. I'm so excited for you guys! Congrats on the refinalization and Sum Hop Day. It was great to see you guys. Hopefully we'll see you again soon.
Congrats on the refinalization! I know that people say the stupidest things sometimes. We have and single friend in her 30's that recently said, "I hope I GET to have a child, but it would be ok if I HAVE to adopt." While we weren't offended, we reminded her that we "GOT" to adopt, we didn't "HAVE TO". And that it was a blessing from God that we GOT TO adopt our little Liam.
Congrats on the Refinalization! Good to have all the papers done, so that you can do them again for your next little one! :)
I loved your "burrito at Bueno" comment. Someone asked me the other day, "What do ya have to do to pick up one of those lil Asian babies, anyways?" I wanted to say, "Oh, they have a little drive-thru window - you can order off the menu!" Ugh! So funny I had to laugh!
We absolutely understand the desire to let the middle finger do the talking! We too get insensitive comments. Now days, it goes something like "oh, I thought you'd drop all that now that you do not have to adopt".
Adoption is a blessing and we are honored to have been approved. Ignorant people!
Best of luck with your second adoption! I hope that the paperwork goes quickly.
Congrats on the refinalization.
Love the new words...isn't it fun how they pick up the cute parts of words to say?
We often times get the "Angelina" comments...since Ian is from India and now we're adopting from Vietnam..."Oh, you're going to be just like Angelina". How crazy some people can be.
Hope to see you again soon.
Sarah says, "Thanks for coming over to play today, Avi Joy. I love it when you chase me around the house." See you tomorrow at Tulsa Int. :)
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