Apple Orchard in Lincoln, New Hampshire
The beach in Ogunquit, Maine
To see all the beautiful New England pictures, go to the PHOTO section on the home page under “September and October 2007.”
The week of October 23-27 my precious husband surprised me and cashed in his business frequent flyer miles/hotel stays and took me on a trip for my birthday. He made one of my dreams come true by taking me to New Hampshire and Maine to see the fall leaves and the ocean.
To my complete surprise (I mean literally- he said, we are leaving next week and didn’t tell me where) I began to pack and prayerfully prepare myself to leave Avi Joy for 5 days!
I knew she would have a wonderful time, which she did… she loved having her grandparents complete attention and she did a great job. I did well too, only a few times did I get sad that she was not with us. I know that couples need that alone time without their children. I am glad Adam pushed me to do it- we had the most wonderful time traveling throughout the two states.
I figured with saving up for adoptions (x4?) that maybe in 10 years or so after building our family we would someday head out on a vacation. I never expected to be able to take a trip any time soon. This is a good reminder that something great comes from Adam taking business trips! Enjoy the pics.
Adoption Update
The process for baby number two is going smoothly. We are currently gathering all our documents for our Dossier.
We had a very successful fund-raiser last week, A Chili and Pie Sale.
We also are Very Excited to announce that we received a dollar for dollar matching grant through “God’s Grace Adoption Ministries” up to $2,500!!!
The entire month of December we will be fund-raising and asking for donations to double our money and hopefully cut Dillon a check for $5,000.
The Lord provision for this adoption is amazing us. We knew it would be challenging, but He is paving the way!
Sum Hop Day
To see all our Sum Hop Day pictures, go to the PHOTO section of our homepage and look under “September and October 2007.”
"O my Strength, I sing praise to You;
You, O God, are my fortress,
my loving God." Psalm 59:17
With Love,
Adam, Natasha and Avi Joy
New England in the fall....oh my...what a beautiful trip. I'm so glad you had the opportunity to go. Love the pictures.
Avi Joy get cuter each day.
Awe that is so sweet. The pictures are great too!.
What an amazing trip! I am so glad that the fundraising is going so well for #2. I am so nervous about taking the plunge. I know that God will provide - I'm just nervous. So anyways, I'm praying now for our 2nd adoption and watching God provide y'all with the money for #2 is a blessing to me.
Wow - it sounds like you had a great trip. It is so nice to get a little time away from the kids. We are taking a weekend away this weekend for our church marriage retreat.
We are praying for your adoption!
What an incredible trip! You deserve it - all frequent flier miles are earned through lots of nights alone, so you should enjoy them to the max! :)
We've wanted to get you to do a name portrait for our boys. Let's schedule for Dec, and you can list it on your grant! Please e-mail me at and we'll set it up!
Happy Birthday!!! How fabulous...Adam planning a surprise trip for you! The photographs are amazing!
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