This is an email from my sweet girlfriend RK who is in Can Tho, Vietnam right now...
We held little Nehemiah Sang today. He is a true cutie, in our unbiased, honest opinion!
He seems very strong and looks healthy. He is definitely tall for his age, and seems a healthy weight; not thin or too chubby. His skin is clear, and there were no signs of bug bites or scabies. He smelled very good; kissably, perfectly baby good.
When we walked into the room where he was, he immediately started to watch us and was very interested in what was going on. When I bent down to his crib for the first time, he made eye contact and scooted closer. I stuck my finger near his fist, and he grabbed on with a firm grip and didn't let go until I moved to pick him up.
He has excellent head and neck control. When Ken and I held him, he leaned into us, and did not pull away or push from us. He was very serious for us, but he would smile for the nannies.
I sat on the floor with him and he is beginning to sit up; he was still leaning forward in a tripod style, but definitely working to sit. In his crib, he easily got onto all fours and rocked back and forth, like he was practicing to crawl. He can scoot all around his crib and turned himself around and around to keep track of all of the comings and goings in his room. He would get himself onto his knees, and then pull with both hands on the bars to get his face as close to everyone as possible.
I heard him "talking" several times, and seemed to be the most verbal one in the orphanage. His crib is next to
Levi's and he really seemed to like talking to him.
All of the nannies seem to smile and talk to the babies every time they enter the room, or just walk past their crib to change another baby's diaper, or to get something. They genuinely seem to like to make them smile.
He is just precious. We told him you were coming, and that he was going to really, really like you :)
"A friend loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17
The Perryman's