This morning Avi Joy came in and told me she wrote her name on the oven. She chose letters from the fridge and moved them over to the oven actually spelling her name... or close anyway. I was still stunned at Avi Epy! She is one sharp cookie I tell you.

Happy Sum Hop Day! Two years ago today we were in Ninh Thuan, Vietnam, adding our daughter to our family through the gift of adoption. What a little cutie. Oh how we love her!

New things this week: toddler bed.
This was day one... went in to find her pants/diaper off and toys moved into her bed.

Current obsession: Making sure all her friends have diapers on. I did not see her do this diaper-party, I happen to walk by and there was Oscar, piggy, Ella and baby all protected from leaks.

This dessert was soooo good that Avi Joy actually licked the plate. She had never done this before so you knew the Praline Cheesecake was a hit.

Lovin school: Mondays has been her school day. She loves going to school and talks often now about her teachers, playground, painting and friends. We got this cute shirt at China camp this summer.

"What other nation is so great as to have their gods near them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to Him?" Deuteronomy Chapter 4
Adam, Natasha, Avi Joy and Nehemiah
Hi Natasha!
Wow! She's got the first part already so it's only a matter of time before she has the rest. That's amazing for 2-1/2. I love the pictures!! They are adorable!! I hope that soon we will be holding our little boys!
Happy Sum Hop Day!! Avi Joy is a doll...just precious. She's a smart, smart little girl.
Love you guys!
I can't believe how much she's grown and developed since you brought her home. God really knew what he was doing when he selected Avi Joy as your child. She is such a mirror image of her momma! I can't wait until your little boy is home to see how he will be!
Happy Sum Hop Day! Hope we can see y'all soon!
Ahppy Sum Hop Day! Sheis just the cutest thing ever!
I see you have a little stripper at home too. Emaline does that too.
It is hard to believe it has been 2 years. Avi has grown up so much. You are a very blessed family...we can't wait to meet Niehemiah.
By the way, we finally updated our blog.
The Davis's
Happy Sum Hop Day! Your blog is the one I poured over in fascination and oo'd and aa'd over Avi Joy's gorgeousness. Who knew that 2 years later we'd be preparing to go to the same province to get OUR baby girl!!
ErinP (Dillon)
We love you Avi Joy! Happy Sum Hop!
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