Last week we pulled a dress rehearsal. And it was not fun.
I knew that school started last week. Well, she only goes on Tuesdays but since school started that week we got up, got ready, drove to school and no one was there! We were both sad and both cried! It was the first week for kids who attend Wed-Fri, but we had to wait until the next week to attend on Tuesday.
Here is her official first day of school picture. We made tee-shirts to celebrate.

That same week of non-school was the first week of dance. We got up, got ready, drove to dance and no one was there! She was sad again and she cried but I was LIVID! A sign on the door said it started the first FULL week of school. Which was, again, the next week.
Here is her official first day of dance picture. The Ballet Box she is holding was mine when I was little. aohhhh.

Waiting for class to begin.

Miss Kristy walking her into tap/ballet class.

All the cuties dancing, BUT MINE...

You can see in this picture everyone is taping with their right foot, except Avi Joy. She was the official OBSERVER for the WHOLE HOUR! She did NOT want to tap, ballet hop, skip or curtsy.
All I could do was laugh. She is so unique.
Afterward Miss Kristy and I talked about it. I was like, "Is she too young? Does she not like it? etc." She gave some great advice about letting her stick it out for a month and see if she blooms. She knew how to please a mom because she said, "You know some of my smart older kids just like to watch before they try to do it on their own." : )
Even when we go to the playground she likes to watch other kids play. It takes her awhile to play herself. But if dance is not a right fit, we will most likely try piano. I am not super big on children having tons of outside activities that run a mom till exhaustion, but something before "real" school starts will be fun.
Other than the dress rehearsal we have had a great week...

Avi Joy loves to rock her brother. Its more about giggles and wiggles than preparing to sleep.

We saw a beautiful FULL rainbow in our backyard this week. It has been a long time (and Avi Joy's first ever) to see a rainbow. We let out the dog and the weather was just perfect. I walked outside and felt a drop, so I looked up to see if it looked like it was going to rain and there it was. Avi Joy and I got to talk about the real meaning of a

Avi Joy wanted to wear her baby like I wore her when she was a baby. In a sling. She is SUCH a wonderful mommy to her babies.

Yo I am from the hood! Or at least was treated to an Oreo.
After I word searched
Rainbow on
biblegateway I noticed another reference other than Genesis popped up. It was from Revelation 10:1. I was excited to see this... our
CBS will be studying Revelation for the year so hopefully I will understand its meaning soon!
"Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars."
Have a great weekend!
Adam, Natasha, Avi Joy and Nehemiah