ALL JULY PICTURESMy POOR BABY! Why oh WHY do her mosquito bites turn out like this??
Day one- it swells up like a baseball hit her.
Day two- fever.
Day three- blister.
We took her to the Dr. yesterday and they basically said: use bug spray and double dose of Benadryl. We have tried everything. Good thing it only happens with half of the bites. But they leave a nasty scar!

Adam's parents neighbors had 3 girls. When the oldest was 2 yr's old they got this house. She is now married and her mom wanted a new home for it. My mother in law saw it and knew I was looking for a house for the kids to play in.
So we cleaned it up...

And it is like new! We painted Bless This Home on the front door. They love it already!

Love this upclose droplets...

Oh and so love the wild hair!

This weekend was Grand-dad and George's (cousin) double birthday party. We all had the best time playing and eating to celebrate. I am starting a new tradition. At least once a year, getting all the kids in "line". Now ages 4, 3, 2, and 1. (and one more older kiddo on the way ; )


Thanks to Jonathan for the encouraging scripture. He and his wife have been waiting for some time for a referral from Ethopoia. He read our blog and actually encouaged us in the process, it should have been vise versa!
"God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, His Spirit deeply and gently within us." Ephesians 3:20, The Message
The Perryman Family
Hey Natasha, I think it's the American mosquitos or something. All of my Asian friends have the same problem! Well, maybe not quite as severe as far as I know.
Natasha....Caleigh has a similar reaction with some of her bites & someone suggested Latoradine which is found in liquid form Zyrtec & Claratin type products; the one I use is actually a Target brand & it has Latoradine on the front of the bottle...1/2 Tsp twice a day for 2 days REALLY seems to bring the swelling down & has completely avoided the blistering effect. I wish I could remember who told me that; I would send them a Cyber Hug! Also, the Benadryl Gel cuts the itch good for C. Good Luck! Our boys grew out of their mosquito allergy about age 4. It is something with these precious VN Babies! CanTho ones at least!
Heather M.
Get your dr. to prescribe altabax. It is an antibiotic ointment but it also helps those blisters heal with out scarring. Emmi gets the same thing and it is the only thing that works for her blisters. I actually use a Mary Kay product called replenish (it has green tea in it) as soon as I realize she has been bitten and most of the time that seems to keep the blister from happening but if I don't realize she has been bitten and it pops up an hour later I slather it in caladryl clear to take away the itch and then the next put on the altabax to keep it from scarring.
I pray that some day she will out grow his allergy but according to my Asian friends she will most likely always be a mosquito magnet. Fun.
Rocco's bites look just like that. Pediatrician told us to use repellant with deet (up to 30% strong). It seems to work better.
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