Practice makes perfect for little ones learning to paint their own nails. I realize this is a daring move, but boy did she think painting her own toenails was the coolest thing ever!

We are starting to work with Avi Joy on writing her letters. At least the ones in her name... she loves learning, reading, writing and pretty much anything that has to do with education, so she is easy to teach. She did a great job showing off her new writing skills- yes she is left handed.

We had a babysitting flip flop with the Homan family this month. We watched their kiddos while they moved into their new house and they watched our kids while we had one of our Saturday DHS training sessions. We so love them!

Poor brother. Being subjected to all kinds of girly activities. Holding dolls, bows in his hair, carrying purses and here he is receiving royal treatment in her baby stroller. He looks happy about it, don't you think?

We were very blessed this week to spend some time with the Butters' family. These peanuts love their playdates together and now that they are getting older, they are actually playing. Alicia has four little bits, here Avi Joy is hanging with the twins.

The highlight of my trying week (with them and myself) was this precious moment when Avi Joy put dish rags on both their heads. She said they were playing "shepherds". This game was too much fun and caused all of us to get out of our funk and enjoy lots of laughs.

I always let Avi Joy paint while I am painting. She always ends with making a handprint. I went off to clean up and she comes around the corner with paint also on her nose. She told me she made a nose print next to the handprint. I love her creativity!

I got out the camera on Friday to take a picture of them both standing at my feet, arms raised in the air, both yelling "mama hold me" and basically all-a-mess... as soon as I got above them for the picture, they sat down, looked up and smiled. It turned out to be a precious picture (almost impossible to get both looking/smiling at the same time) but this was the COMPLETE opposite of what was actually going on milliseconds beforehand. Oh well : )
We love you family and friends,
The Perryman's
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