They had 5 children. (Ummm, within 6 years I might add. Oh, and my grandma was only 24 when she had her 5th!)
Who then had 9 children altogether (grandchildren).
Who then had 4 children and growing (great grand-children).
Our family has walked through losing precious family members... All my great-grandparents, my uncle and cousin are now in heaven praising our Lord. But the losses make us more appreciative of the times we are together.
Seven+ members of our family are deaf. In this picture below we are all doing the I love you sign. Most everyone knows sign language in the family (my hearing aunt is an interpreter for the deaf) and if we don't know it well, we know some home-signs and we just make due with lots of body language, reading lips and writing things down.
I asked my grandma on this trip to describe herself in 3 words. She said, "Busy ol' woman." Can you believe that! I think she is young, but I have to agree about the busy. That woman NEVER stops. That was her quote to me a few years ago when I asked how she raised 5 kids so young, she said, "never stop." Seriously before the fork is out of your mouth, it is hand-washed and in the drawer. I chose this picture because one of her children, Sonja, got this gene. They were of course, in the kitchen- cleaning and organizing.
Here is a recent sculpture he did in bronze of a woman lying on a table. Even the table is sculpted people. I had my cousin Jansen cover her goodies. I do LOVE a beautiful nude sculpture. We are all amazed by his work.
Here are a few of his things. Alan Gibson Art.
I cannot believe in the old saying, "Blood is thicker than water," because my family is built through adoption. Rather I would like to think that a family is a group of people that He alone united so we can do life together. The good, bad, sorrow and joy- people in your world you are to love like Jesus loved. You know He is the blood that is thicker than water...
Here are some good family quotes I found:
Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. ~Jane Howard
I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich. ~Dan Wilcox
Family life is a bit like a runny peach pie - not perfect but who's complaining? ~Robert Brault
Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family. ~Anthony Brandt
The Perryman Family
I loved reading about your family, Natasha. Your grandparents are so cute and your family is beautiful (and talented!). Great pics!
Babushka is that you in your little would totally look Russian if you held up little loafs of and mommy or crazy girls!!!
Looks like you had a fun weekend! You are such a good photographer!!
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