Well today is little squirts birthday. Here is my "silly monkey" (from his p.j.'s) hanging out with us at Lowes.

Super ticklish boy.

Miss Joy Joy wore her new princess outfit from her grandma.

Miss Anna. We LOVE Miss Anna. She is Avi Joy's Vietnamese teacher at church. I made her a pair of earrings as a gift for the end of the year. She put them on when I gave them to her, the light blues ones in this pic- that always make me feel good. I get to teach her 4 kiddos (ages 6, 7, 8, and 9) art lessons this summer!

Nehemiah ordered a Happy Birthday treat. "Cell phone in smoothie"
Apple's w/ peanut butter and Dora. Be amazed. And quickly get something accomplished.

Actual b-day pic.

Picking plums off our tree.

Is this not precious. She is a perfect sister. I do not say that lightly. Yes, they fight. And scream and hit. But, she is so loving and patient with his brotherly loud behavior. She always sets a good example for me to follow.

Adam said he looked particularly "Asian" today. As in compared to other days when he looks rather Polish or Russian.

Her lil' toesies.

Playing with friends in our neighbor's yard.

Our family party.

Kiddo's opening gifts.

This is a very serious princess card.

Nene, my step-dad's mom. She always gets the kiddo's perfect gifts. She got Nehemiah's tie shirt for him for Christmas that he wore to his parties.

Throwing his new ball!

Blessed to have both our families stop by to eat and play.

Avi Joy asked for a princess dress and crown. She was not disappointed!

Caramel Monkey bread as their cake.

Bouncing with Nene! Oh the giggles.

Had a wonderful day with Nehemiah today. We took sis to her last day of school and spent the morning at Wal-Mart and then headed home for some cuddle time. He is such a joy in our life and we are thankful for him. He is full of energy and loud- silly, happy and handsome.
I prayed for his birthmother today as I know she is thinking of him today as well. I pray she is comforted by the Holy Spirit and that God gives her peace and restoration.
"Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west." Isaiah 43:5
The P's
1 comment:
Happy Birthday sweet Nehemiah. We love you!
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