Miss Beautiful will be joining our family tomorrow. It was scheduled for the end of July, but everyone (being our social workers, counselors, foster family and us) all felt that the time had come for her to move in.
We have an all day journey ahead of us to pick her up (about 5 hours one way). We will visit with her foster grandparents and have lunch with them at a local restaurant. Then we will head home to start life together. Amazing that you can sum up someone joining your family in one paragraph!
We have been working on all the details for her to start school, dance and youth group. We are doing both homeschooling and part-time school at a local private Christian school. She will be able to be involved in drama, band, hands-on science, study hall, lunch and "house" time. House time is where the kids spend time doing things together (sports, projects) and also compete against other houses like in debate or bible-bowl.
Our main goal this year is family. Education is secondary at this time. We never saw ourselves as a homeschool family, but we are built differently and this schedule is beyond perfect. I do not function well if we are an over committed family, so we are taking one week at a time. Making sure we spend time together, complete school work, worship at church and have outside activities. This is a whole new world for me!
Needless to say everything in my 12 year olds life is about to change. From living in the country to the city, from foster care to a family, from all that she knows to everything being new. So many changes.
Please pray for our family that every detail will be smooth. And that all emotional times (homesickness, grief) will be handled with love and grace. Pray for Beautiful to have understanding, strength and peace. And for us to find rest in the Lord when we feel overwhelmed by all the changes.
I shared with someone this week about our newest daughter joining our family this weekend. Their exact words were, "Oh, I could never adopt an older child." In a moment of bravery and defense of our child I answered, "You are right. You couldn't. It is not for everyone. But it is for us. God put this in our hearts and had equipped us for our daughter."
It is true that adoption is not for everyone. Either is adopting a child of a different ethnicity or a child that is older. But Adam and I believe more than ever before this is our calling in life. Why are we passionate about adoption? Simply put, God put it in us. Walking in it is so rewarding, so moving, so spectacular, I cannot imagine life any other way. I am so grateful for the gift of parenting through adoption. Lord, thank you for choosing us. I feel so lavished in love when I think about how our family is built. I know you feel the same way about your children, either from your belly or from your heart, they are precious in His sight and we would lay down our lives for our children.
Our Beautiful is precious and we know that God has and will continue to work all things together for her good. We appreciate your love, support, kind words and gifts from your heart. Thank you. Thank you!
"And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him." Romans 8:28
We headed out for a playdate with the Homan and the Sweet families this week. It is such a treat when we get together as we have so much in common. Two husbands in the ministry, every child has joined through adoption, all serve Jesus, the list goes on. I love my time with these ladies, but weirdly enough, probably love the time my kids get to spend with their children a bit more. I love to see the connection they have with one another. Avi Joy just showed me a picture of baby Sarah today in VN at the center and told me how they were both there at the same time. Such special friendships. Heather posted some amazing pic's of our time together too!
Please share to sharpen our family... We are putting together a "never bored" list. One of our goals is to show our kiddos that during free time/family time, there are hundreds of things that we can do. Please share your favorite things to do as a family/individually. Everything from writing a pen pal, crafts, cleaning, serving, etc. We want ANY & EVERY idea for our list. AND we will share it soon with you! Thank you.
The Perryman Five!
Yea!!! So happy for you guys! I love the answer you gave to the person that commented to you about adopting an older child. It is so true. Adoption is a calling. We are soooooo blessed to be called! I am praying for your family as you grow :o)
I love that pic of Avi Joy...so cool!
Avi Joy loved playing Memory (we have the Dora one) with Sarah and me. Just a thought!
We love you and are so excited for you. I even have butterflies.
See you soon!
I am so so very proud of you for adopting an older child!!! My prayers are with you. This was a beautiful blog...brought tears to my eyes! I love you my dear sweet friend!
We had a fun time at lunch today when Eli made up a new game. He loves "eyeballs" right now, so Scott drew lots of different kinds of faces (happy, sad, surprised, scared, etc). We talked about the different emotions and then Eli had a blast pointing to each face and having Scott act it out. It kept him entertained a long time while we waited on our food to arrive.
I'm so happy for your family and will definitely keep all of you in my prayers. :)
I would have never thought to respond that way to someone! You go girl!!! =-)
For activities...all of my kids really enjoy baking bread. They have a fun time kneading it and then watching it turn into something delicious!
Oh yay! That means that you are already a family of 5 as I read this! Yippee for ALL of you!
Love you all!
Congrats! There are so many children who need a loving family - so thank you for responding to God's call!! Praying for you in these transition times :-)
Here's what we like to do: puzzles, drawing/coloring/painting, legos, riding bikes, dancing to music, 'gymnastics time' with headstands and tumbling, reading, playing games online, walking next door for a visit, going to the nursing home (to see grandparents), playing in the water (or dirt), rub each others back/feet (we make 'pizzas' on each others back), play the piano, take pictures/video
Basically we are a project family - so we let the kids help us work on whatever we are working on. This weekend we planted pumpkins in a little garden. And Tim is working on building a cd duplicator with legos - so of course the kids are helping.
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