In October, our church holds a fall retreat for the teens. This year the theme was Hide and Seek. Teaching the kids about people groups throughout the world that have to "hide" their faith (such as hosting underground churches or being undercover missionaries) and "seek" the Lord during persecution, for protection and for boldness.
I really did want her to attend, but had to get over some mama issues about her going. I took the weekend to Him many times and was really hung up about the church leaving at 10pm at night and driving hours in the dark. Over and over this was the only thing I could think about. Once I laid that down and started to focus on how much she would learn about the Lord and how the seeds of Christ would be planted, Adam and I decided it would be wonderful for her to attend the retreat. This was spiritual warfare because...
We are thrilled to say that on October 22nd, our sweet Beautiful accepted Christ as her Savior. The next day at church, she went forward on her own to follow through with baptism. We talked her through this being a symbol of dying to herself and being raised with Christ. The joy was overwhelming to see our One True Love pursue her into a relationship with Him and for her to respond to Christ's redeeming love.
(I have readers that do not understand our love for God or our relationship with Jesus. And by all means I want you to keep reading our blog, but I want to share that this is our life and my life is nothing without the sustaining Relationship with the Lord. I am proud that our daughter will have His Light in her life and protect her from the darkness of the world. Trials will come, but His Hand will never leave her.)
Nehemiah, my little Rock n Roll star, "Like yo'. Hope you got backstage tickets to my show. Catch ya later. Peace."
Natasha: Grandma in her Ojama's (Obama pajamas). These are her favorite night clothes.
Emily: Grandma going to the Lady's Democratic Luncheon. (Grandma is the woman's Chaplin for MO.)
Jansen: Greatest idea ever- dressed up as Grandpa. His favorite shirt, hat and rolled up jean shorts. No one could have pulled him off better. Seriously funny.
Hannah: Grandma at the beach. Matching flamingo beach outfit.
Beautiful: Grandma going to church.
We also enjoyed day two where we talked about the scripture, "I have hidden Your Word in my heart." Then we talked about doing that so we can make good choices (not sin against You is the rest of the verse) and then we cut out hearts and hid them around the house and played hide and seek with the hearts. It was big fun, the kids really enjoyed it.
Philippians 2:13, "[Not in your own strength] for it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight."
The Perryman's
Yay for Beautiful! There is nothing like the day your child gets saved :o) It makes my heart SO happy to know that I will see my baby in heaven! I am so thankful Beautiful has made this important decision so early in her life. Wonderful!!
Love all the details. Your grandpa cracks me funny!
As usual, your pictures are wonderful. I can't wait for the day when Miss Beautiful's face is right in the middle of them all. Fantastic news on her decision to make Christ her guiding light and her Savior. It just brings tears to ours eyes and we look forward to the day our children make such an amazing choice. Your corn game is such a great idea.
tears of joy for beautiful's birthday in jesus! praising him! praying for beautiful blossoms to spring forth as she grows in the lord! loved this post with all the pics! thanks for taking the time. so i didn't bring my advent stuff with me and i remember you writing yours down on a piece of notebook paper last christmas for me. and it was simple things you could do and find around the house. unfortunately it didn't make it to kenya. would you mind sending it to me again in an email? we are making everything from "scratch" this year. our ornaments are super cute. anyway just not having enough brainpower to come up with advent for the whole month. if you're too busy. that's ok-always next year! love you!!
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