We have been residing at our hotel now for over 6 weeks. I will admit I am getting weary, but we are trying to keep our spirits bright. We all love our hot showers, free breakfasts and not washing towels, but my favorite thing by far is our beautiful third floor sunsets!

This is how you have a good time after living in a 10 x 10 living room. I truly love the moments when I am in the middle of something mundane and the kids pop out of their room dressed like masked superheros!

You know you have a daughter when...

Nehemiah watercoloring.

Random pic of my hubby just because.

Celebrating the arrival of my friends new daughter. What a blessing indeed.

Well, no. We went to visit my Korean neighbor who just had a son and when I went in to meet him, he was lying on the floor Asian style. I literally teared up.

Avi Joy checking him out.

Nehemiah's new glasses.

Our house has a ceiling and walls! They have now sanded the drywall and are ready to paint. I think it will be a few more weeks of painting and cleaning (it is SO dirty) and we will be home. Home Sweet new and improved Home.

I really enjoyed the 1965 wallpaper pieces peeking out from under the crown molding in every room. The one in the bathroom and this one in the laundry, I actually really liked!

Swimming at the hotel.

Had a visit from our best friends the Pierces. What a sweet loving picture.

I have said this before, but this girl and her laugh. Love her joyful countenance.

Aunt Shannon did a great job throwing the kids around the pool. Too sad for them their mama's a cold water wimp, I stayed in the hot tub.

Little Mags. Nehemiah prayed for Maggie the other night. He said, "Thanks for the food God, Amen." Not quite, but at least he tried.

Proud to say that Nehemiah has started putting on his own socks and shoes. He does not care if the socks match nor if they are right-side-out. I have decided not to care, he spent the day just like this. I know these years are fleeting so I am learning to let loose and just enjoy his boyness.

The kids like hiding behind the curtains at the hotel. It is a bit scary really to have them up so high leaning against the window, but they so love it. And they are both wearing Avi Joy's gymnastic clothes which I am sure makes for quite the site in the parking lot.

Miss Beautiful enjoys making earrings. She made me a pair out of magazine strips and one of them says, "Worlds Best Teacher." Coming from her this really did make my day. Being your child's mom and their teacher is tough work. I am pretty hard on her, so even if for that day I was the best teacher, I will take it!

For the first time Adam had the honor of baptizing a friend. He is in our community group and we were so proud of him for his decision to fully surrender to Christ.

Last weekend our Vietnamese church had their Spring Festival. I worked the face painting booth and Avi Joy ventured around with her friends playing ring toss and the like. At the end of the day she had won two goldfish and two toys. When we got back to the hotel we walked to Bass Pro pond and set the fish free so they could join their families. Smile.

"For this I labor, unto weariness, striving with all the superhuman energy which He so mightily enkindles and works within me." Colossians 1:29
It's so good to hear about the latest Perryman adventures! I know life is far too hectic right now, but it's just a "season"! I'm continually praying for you all!
Great Post. So excited for all your "hotel memories." your kids will get to laugh about it in years to come. glad we got in on the pool action. can't wait to see ya'll this weekend.
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