Fourth of July. Looking at this picture just brings a smile to my face. I counted and 12 of these kids joined their families through adoption. So fun to have such a colorful party! Thank you lil' Roo for hosting.

We had Rabbit Fest in our backyard this summer. Here Sarah is holding a new little baby rabbit that Heather pulled out of its den.

Swim lessons for all 3 kiddos at ORU.

All our peanuts are ready.

We gobbled up watermelon this summer like it was going out of style!

Saying good-bye to Lani at the airport. Look at their little precious hands.

So proud of the

I was able to give Shan a great going away/birthday present thanks to
Ashley! Shannon is Ashley's number one blog stocker which segwayed into taking silly pictures with captions and making her a DIY photo album by tutorial. (And Shannon had the opportunity to meet Ashley, but chose to RUN the other way and hide in the bathroom. Gotta love my bff.)

Went to see Brazil vs. US with the Lydens. AHHHMAZING. Adam caught a ball.

Loved every second watching these awesome players.

Does this child NOT look straight up Viet. Whoa. I know I saw this guy in HCMC. Seriously.

Princess Jasmine. Homemade costume via big sissy.

Umm, No Child.

Avi Joy and Karrington LOVE rock climbing.

Playing dress-up. What he picked just so happened to go perfectly with his tee.

Karrington and the 6-12th grade girls from church sewed pillowcase dresses for little girls in Africa.

Nehemiah's first dentist app't.

Little Lady Who Sleeps In A Tent (for a month!).

We were truly blessed this summer.
Psalm 121The Perryman's.
Love the update. I must have more info about the tent and the goodbye scrapbook thing!
So great. love ya.
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