Adam and I headed to New Mexico and Colorado for our 10th wedding anniversary. Our parents took care of the 3 kiddo's and let us run away together. Five nights of quiet, 6 days of driving all over the place soaking in scenes like this...

I have a
friend who wants to move to CO. Found her the most perfect piece of land.

Went to a natural waterfall out in the middle of nowhere. And wouldn't you know it the guy next to us watching the waterfall had a Broken Arrow football hat on. Crazy world. His nephew plays for BA.


We are able to go on this trip thanks to our community group. One of my friends family has a cabin near South Fork, CO and they let us stay there for $10 a night, yes ten! Another gal in the group got me a little painting job at her work which gave us gas money for the drive- Oh Provision! Here is our quaint cabin in the woods.

Mountains to one side and a stream on the other.

We LOVED Pagosa Springs, CO. Such a relaxing day wading in the warm (or 108 degree hot) natural spring pools.

I spent hours and hours looking out the window during this trip and besides the beautiful mountains, the cloud action was stunning!

Raining rainbows.

Ahhhh, one of our favorite outlooks. Very Bob Ross with the one big tree.

New Mexico just made me smile. Everything was painted... cars, garages, doors, street signs, lots of artwork everywhere.

Adam and I both love the adobe look of all the homes and restaurants in the NM area.

Iron patina Mary.

We had so many highlights about the trip: Silence at all times, God's magnificent creation in all directions, renewing our vows, Christmas shopping, attending an old country church in a mining town and more... BUT one extraordinary thing just so happened to be this Mexican restaurant, Los Potrillos. They has this cheesy corn tortilla baked soup thing that was my favorite meal ever. Ever.
And I am on the Daniel Fast right now, so writing about it at this exact moment is awesome. I love you God more than Los Potrillos, I love you God more than Los Potrillos.

"That they may walk in My statutes and keep My ordinances, and do them. And they shall be My people, and I will be their God." Ezekiel 11:20
A + N
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