Our GVI team: Joe Don, Dawn, Natasha, Angela, Rick, Tan, Nick and Sa. We have wonderful team unity and each person brings their gifts & talents to the team and it is a joy to serve alongside them.

In the am we headed to a village family home to deliver a water buffalo and help finish up the water buffalo corral. Here is the beautiful Mrs. of the family. They are of the "Flower H'Mong" people group.

Leveling out the floor of the water buffalo corral. Water buffalo need to keep warm because they usually do not survive through cold winters with out adequate shelter.

The family home. Here is her daughter and grand-daughter.

Finished the project and took a formal picture with a government official.

Their other daughter was inside sewing clothes and purses. My note says, "Handmade for Avi Joy and Karrington." You will have two new purses made by this sweet girl when I return.

Natasha, Angela and Dawn on top of the mountain. This is the view from their property!

In the afternoon we headed to another home to help them put a roof on their corral. The men mostly did this job and the ladies cleared the floor (as tree bark was everywhere from when they stripped the trees to build the corral) and we played with the children. This little two year old stole my heart immediately. Delicious, right?!

Don't worry about her leaning over an old tree fence. There is only a 100 foot drop off down the side of a mountain on the other side.

Yes, I am watching you!
Water buffalo grazing in their front yard.

Traditional kitchen. She used dried branches and corn husks to start the fire. They were having beans for lunch that they had soaked in the buckets on the left.

In the afternoon we headed to Nam Mon kindergarten school. There is another GVI team that worked here today as well. They mixed hundreds of bags of concrete and paved the front yard. They also painted the fence bright green.

We started on our mural.

Three portholes looking out into the sea.

We will let this dry and tomorrow we will add sea life and plants. The paint was a bit tricky as it was oil based and thinned with gasoline. It is a bit runny, but we are Bob-Rossing-It and anything that goes array, we will turn into happy accidents!

Then we had dinner at Sa's home and took hot showers at the hotel. (And I wrote this entire post and it would not load, it had disconnected from the internet and when I reconnected, it lost all my text. Second times the charm!)
The girls in my community group sent cards for me to read during the trip. Tonights scripture from my friend Charlotte was from Isaiah 55:12, "For you shall go out with joy and be led out with peace. The mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing before you and the trees of the field shall clap their hands."
The last few days we have been on many mountains, in lot of fields and seen a million trees and Lord, as I go out, they are in awe of the work You are doing.
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