Today Adam, Nehemiah and I ventured through the Old French Quarter in Hanoi and walked Hoan Kien Lake. We toured the local temple and shopped in the silk and art districts, just amazing hand-crafted pieces. In ode to the Homan family we at the 'The Real Kangaroo' restaurant for lunch. (Last trip after almost a month in country it was the first good American food we devoured, also I took a pic of Highlands and remembered baby Sarah having pumpkin soup for dinner, sweet memories.)

Melanie has taught me how to barter. She lives in China and it is part of her daily life. She goes for less than half every time. She says just be sweet and fair... I have saved sooo much money this time just because I tell them the price (almost half, I am not quite as brave as her) and just hand them the money. They always accept the price because its still a good deal for them. We cannot wait to hand out our Vietnamese gifts!
Yesterday we met many friendly men and today was the Vietnam women's turn. The art shop worker was a doll, she adored Nehemiah and we met a woman on the street who told me I needed to try her bamboo and hat. They really are strong little women.

I have developed a love affair with the doors and windows. There are many pictures of them, sorry if it bores you, but oh they are beautiful. We took lots of pic's today, hope you enjoy seeing the sites of Hanoi.

Nehemiah is sound asleep. He really starts getting tired about 7pm. Our Avi Joy has never been a big sleeper, just a short nap and about 10 hours a night, so this is a change for us. Nehemiah is about 4 hours during the day and 12ish hours at night. He loves for us to sing, talk and play with him. Here was a tickle session...
"... for no other god can save in this way." Daniel 3:1-30
With love,
Adam, Natasha and Nehemiah
Ahhhh...the memories. I'm loving watching you on this journey. Nehemiah is a doll...just a doll. Looking forward to welcoming you home soon.
I just love all your pictures! Nehemiah is precious & I can't wait to meet him! Sounds like you all are having a blessed journey, I'm so exited for you! Peace & blessings to you!
XOXO Andrea
You take such wonderful photos! And Nehemiah is so cute... where did you get such cute jeans?? He's getting so good at hanging on to his passy too! Enjoy the weekend!
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