FOR CAN THO FAMILIES (Six families sent pictures for the nannies to have in Can Tho. Here are pictures of the director looking at them. Unfortunately, she said the nannies could not look at them while we were there. She said I could stand next to her to take pictures. She laughed A LOT and kept putting her hand to her heart. She said she missed Rhett and Eli. She adored all the pictures and wanted to make sure I told the families thank you for the pictures.)
Thank you family and friends for coming to welcome us home. We look forward to visiting with everyone soon!
We will be home in 10 minutes! "Latest Addition" tee-shirt.
Avi Joy, NanNa, Sarah, Aunt Emily and Nehemiah.
Adam and I missed Avi Joy. She was ready for lots of hugs and to give kisses to her brother.
Getting love from his grandfathers. Adam's dad on left, Natasha's dad on right.
Adam's mom loving two of her four grandchildren.
Sitting pretty for mommy. This was our first time to use the bumbo, he did great sitting up.
Playing "night night" this morning in Avi Joy's bed. She is doing awesome with him and vice-versa.
Here are some things she has said to him:
"mom, my brother and I are talking... he is saying hi, you are my sister."
"I have a new sweet brother."
"He's my favorite."
"I love you brother."
We are adjusting to our schedule. Poor little Nehemiah did not do well last night. Pretty much crying from midnight-5am. Then woke up and threw-up/yucky diaper. He took a morning nap and is doing well with bottle/food now, so hopefully tonight he will sleep better. We are doing good, I'm sure it will just take a few days to get back to normal.
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5
Adam, Natasha, Avi Joy and Nehemiah
I was honored to be able to greet you when you arrived home and meet the newest little Perryman. He is adorable. Avi Joy is going to be a GREAT big sister. Love the pictures of your two babies FINALLY together.
Love you guys....get some rest.
Loved the pictures of the two of them in Avi Joy's bed. So cute....
Lots of loving to come. NanNa
I am so glad that you are all together now! You truly have a beautiful family! I can't wait to meet Nehemiah and to see how much Avi Joy loves him!
See you soon!
Welcome home Perryman's!
Welcome home! Wonderful journey and blogging! You are home!! Yay! Now you can put up your photo of your family of FOUR! It was amazing to recognize some Dillon faces there too! Thanks for sharing with all of us!
So glad you are home! It is so GREAT to see brother and sister together at last!
Welcome Home!!!!
Loved following along your journey each day. Made me feel like I was right back in Vietnam.
Get some rest and enjoy being a family of four.
Welcome home!
Natasha...thank you so much for taking the pictures of Eli and Rhett. It means so much to us.
Welcome back to the US! It looks like everyone is settling in perfectly...I will pray for a better feeling baby!
Thanks again for taking pictures of Caleigh to the Nannies! I appreciate it so much!
Heather M.
Caleigh's mom.
I cannot tell you how much it warms my heart to see Nehemiah home! Your family of four is so beautiful.
So sad I couldn't be there to greet you guys. But your pictures bring a smile to my face and heart! Welcome Home Nehemiah! Brother and sister look like they are getting along great! Can't wait to see you.
Hi Natasha! I remember reading in one of your VN Posts about N's skin being chapped...I have found the ONLY thing C's skin will tolerate is Aveeno Baby products; the Smoothing Relief Moisturizing Cream helps her a lot & now she has no chapping/dry skin or rashes. It's a bit pricey, but well worth it! Hope your jet-lag ends soon!
Heather M.
Super baby lands! Wowzer he is such a smiley and happy baby! What a wonderful big sissy Avi Joy is going to be! A forever family for a perfect little baby angel!!!! I am so glad you are home.
Rhonda R
Such a wonderful sounding homecoming. I am glad Avi Joy is adjusting. It is fun to watch as they adjust to being the older sister.
Nicole (Joseph - NT)
Welcome home! He is such a wonderful addition to a great family.
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