We went shopping with Adam for some new glasses. We have had eye Dr. app'ts for both kiddos and so far they say they will both need glasses. Nehemiah by age 3, Avi Joy by age 7. How they know this, I do not know, but here is a sneak peak of my little eight-eyes.

Avi Joy the superstar in glasses (think Mary Katherine Gallagher here)

We headed to the kids great-grandparents house for some Saturday morning fun.

Avi Joy loves to swing really high, even though it makes me nervous.

Nehemiah loved his first time swinging at their house too.

Then grandma Cleo read all her grandkids a book. George, almost 4, Avi Joy, 3, Annabelle, 2, and Nehemiah, 1.

Great-grandpa Richard let Avi Joy fish in his perch pool. She caught three perch.
In January we were in Can Tho, Vietnam adopting Nehemiah. Here is a picture of the Can Tho Market where we bought lots of presents for family, friends and for our kids. They are now able to wear two of my favorite outfits we bought at the market...

Avi Joy looks so cute in her dress-up capri outfit.

Nehemiah looks handsome in his striped lacoste shirt.

Having a playdate with the Lydens girls. It was a perfect day for a picnic and we completed lots of fun summer plans.

We went shopping at Best Buy so Adam could test out some new cameras. We are looking for a really nice one. (yes, we are putting off the kitchen floor yet again- 2 years now.) If you have any suggestions, please leave me a COMMENT with your favorite brand/details. Thank you!

I am in the middle of working on an adoption book for Avi Joy. A unique-to-her story to share with her about how our family was built. I was looking for a scripture for the first page. In my devotional today (May 24th, reading of Psalm 24) the first line was perfect...
"The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it." Psalm 24:1
As soon as the project is completed I plan on posting a video of us reading it to her. (Because I love it and I hope it will spur others on to making one as well.) I may have to practice to get the tears out first, tears of joy, but I am excited to use this book to bring understanding about her adoption story.
The Perryman Family
Isn't that weird? The eye doctor said Loston is already near-sighted! I want to know how I can adopt a child from the other side of the world, and somehow, he still gets MY BAD EYESIGHT?
I'm excited about Avi Joy's book! Sounds great and I can't wait to hear it!
Can't wait to see Avi Joy's book.
Camera...I have a Canon Rebel EOS and I love it. I purchased it on line (B & H Video) and got a pretty good deal. I have it since 2006 so there are a couple of newer models. But...it's been well worth the money.
Superstar...love the SNL reference! Avi Joy and Nehemiah will both look wonderful when (or if) they end up needing glasses. Can't wait to see Avi Joy's book. Sounds like tons of fun around your place!
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