As we shared in this post, we truly love sharing our child's life story. Avi Joy INSISTED that she know Nehemiah's adoption story as well. It was just the push I needed to get his adoption book finished and printed. Hopefully this will inspire you to write down and share your child's forever story with them...
Here is our ham. He can go from screaming mad to happy baby faster than any other child I have ever seen! Getting caught in mommy's watercolors. I don't blame him really. Does he NOT look so BIG in this picture?? Here he still looks like my baby... This week at Bible school the kids studied about David and Goliath. I recently heard something about this story that stuck with me... The David Perspective: They thought- Goliath is too big to come up against and win. He thought- Goliath is so big how can I come up against him and miss. OHHH how I love this perspective.
Precious is right. Love the book. Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us.
The pic with the watercolors...Gotcha! Seriously though, maybe he will follow in Mom's footsteps and be incredibly artistic? Perhaps?
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