As we
shared we are in process of adopting an older child. We have been working hard on getting all the details squared away so when the day comes, it will be a smooth transition. Our first step was to let Avi Joy and Nehemiah share a room. Then focus on changing his room to our new kiddo's room. We are setting the room up as if it is a girl. If it is not, then it will be Avi Joy's room and the two boys will share.
I was looking hard for a bed and could not find one that I liked. My girlfriend Kristin found this bed at a garage sale for $5 (with rails) and gave it to me as a gift. I had to think long and hard about my 'vision' for this new bed and I am thrilled with how it turned out!
BEFORE: White, tall spindles, no toppers.

AFTER: Sage green, distressed and aged with dark green.

Adam put the bed together- go hottie.

this? I had shared I was working on her thinking of you quilt... well it too is now finished and I am in LOVE with how it turned out. So proud of this accomplishment- and it was easy- I am inspired to do more.

Here is Nehemiah's room before. Actually it was a little different (had a chair and different layout) but I didn't snap the pic until after we put the mattresses in the room.

And the after- YEAH! It is so sweet and we are all looking forward to meeting whose room this will become. All the artwork is from Vietnam in both the kids rooms.
Here is their new room. Nehemiah is in the crib and Avi Joy is in a toddler bed. We have a few things we would like to add to this room as well. Curtains, not too girly or boyish are hard to find and his framed Ao Doi (Vietnamese outfit). Her Ao Doi from when she was a baby is beautifully framed and we are hoping to get his framed soon too.

We were SO excited to spend the afternoon in my friend's classroom. Mrs. Fisher teaches first grade at my old school and we both enjoy getting together to allow me to get my teaching fix. I read 6 books to the kids and seriously had the best time.

Nehemiah colored while we all read.

My 3 year old among the 6-7 year old kiddos. She loves books so this was a wonderful playdate for her. Sometimes I wonder what she thinks about me doing stuff like this. I showed her my old classroom and introduced her to my teacher friends... I can see her wheels trying to piece everything together. I truly loved my season of teaching at public school, but as for now, its my

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1
The Perryman's
Love love LOVE the new room(s)!!
Also, it was so nice to have you at school today! "Entertaining" Nehemiah while you read gave me my "baby fix"!
Love you all, and hopefully I'll come over soon!
The rooms do look great, but I wouldn't expect anything less! I CANNOT wait to hear how #3 impacts your family. God is GOOD! All the time.
Love the new bed and quilt you made. I would really like to know how you made the quilt - seeing you said it was so easy. I would like to make one for my "kiddos".
P.S. Can't wait to see/meet the newest Perryman!!
Love the new rooms. They look GREAT.
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