This year we decided we would take a winter family vacation to Chicago. We have both always wanted to visit the city, but we were either saving to adopt/had a new baby or the summer plans to travel just didn't work out. But the way this calendar year fell Adam would get more time off than usual, so we ran with the winter vacation idea.
We asked for all our Christmas gifts to be "Chicago or Bust" themed. (Warm clothes, tires, gas cards, car games, etc.) The best part was being able to add-in spending time with family and friends along the way. We began our adventure on December 26th through January 2nd.
Day 1: Left the Tulsa snowstorm behind. It was a bit sad to leave not celebrating Christmas with our family, but Chicago or Bust was the theme so we pushed ahead. It took us TWO hours just to get out of Tulsa, but thankfully we were safe and ready to push on to Springfield.
My cousins, Hannah and Jansen, live in Springfield and that was a perfect place to stop. We hung out with them, ate lunch and played for a bit. Then back in the car as we were heading to St. Louis to spend the night.
All my dad's side lives in St. Louis and were getting together to have Christmas left-overs. We pulled up to my family's house and we're able to spend quality time with all my aunts, uncles and cousins. We spent the night with my cousin and his wife (thanks so much!).

The kids enjoyed playing the family piano. Aunt Debbie chased the kids around with endless energy. They loved their Pez dispensers and extra sweet treats after dinner.

Day 2: We woke up and headed for Chicago. Both days were supposed to be 6 hour car rides, but with the snow and stops, both days were 8 hour rides. They did awesome on the way there (note- on the way there) and we were all excited to arrive at our hotel.
My friend works for Paramount Productions and got us a sweet family and friends deal at the Hilton's
Palmer Hotel. We are totally a Holiday Inn Express type family and although we missed the free Internet and free breakfast, the ohlala of the hotel was a fun experience.
When we walked out of the hotel we were directly in the heart of Chicago...

One of the best C or B gifts we received was our stroller
cover. We used it everyday and we saw that most people there used them with their strollers. It blocked the wind and snow flurries and after the initial weirdness of having it over them, they loved it. This day was exhausting to say the least so we ordered in Chicago style pizza from
Giordano's, watched a movie and went to bed.

Day 3: We started off each morning at the same
Corner Bakery. And yes, as creatures of habit, we sat at the same table (to be able to watch the cityfolk) and for the most part had the same breakfast. It was a great time to prepare for the long day ahead of us.

We walked through the streets and enjoyed all the sky rise buildings. This is one of my favorite pics- I love this old Chicago sign. We then hailed a taxi and headed on with our day. I realized that the whole flagging the taxi, getting in, telling someone where to take you and arriving was awesome. I did everything but pay the man and Adam let me enjoy my taxi experiences. I also loved not having to put the kids in carseats. I have no idea why they allow this, but it was very Vietnamish to have them on our laps. Now only if it was on a motorbike it would be authentic and we would surely be jailed.

We were dropped off at The
Children's Museum of Chicago to meet up with the
Cartwright family! They live on the outskirts of Chicago and drove in to spend the morning with us. Our families met after we both accepted referrals of little boys in Vietnam. Not only did they share the same birth province, but they shared a room as well (along with Levi who we see later!). It was wonderful (to say the least) to meet up with this precious family. Our boys are only two days apart in age and are so much like!

The very first meeting. HUGS for everyone!

The Museum was great... they were firemen, played in forts, went fishing, created art, bathed babydolls, dug dinosaur bones and built pipes in waterland.

Before heading to lunch Avi Joy made a Chicago dog. We ate lunch with the Cartwright's at Bubba Gump Shrimp then said our goodbyes to them.

We hopped into a taxi again and headed over to the
History Museum. Monday's are free so we could not miss the opportunity. You may be thinking how did the kids stay awake?? Well Avi Joy "rested" in the front of the stroller and Nehemiah went in the carrier (borrowed from the Homan family) and fell right asleep. This was our routine each day and worked our PERFECT! Our favorite part at the museum were the belongings of Abraham Lincoln. Like his coat and you know a little thing called the Declaration of Independence. We headed back to the hotel for dinner, a movie and bed!

Day 4: We met the
Elyse family at
The Field Museum bright and early in the morning. We actually live in the same city, but they were in Chicago on business and stayed to play! My friend Heather and I met many moons ago because one of her foster children was in my class at school. We were instant soul sisters who had a heart for adoption. She has since adopted 5 more children (to the two she already had) and is now a proud mama of seven. (All through OK state.) She is quite amazing to say the least. She founded
Dream Again Foundation, is a writer and has several books about to come out. But most of all she is fully and totally reliant on Jesus and He just seeps out of her. She treated our whole day in Chicago and we were very grateful. Our crew...

Adam's favorite exhibit at the museum were the
Tsavo Lions. They hunted down and killed over 150 people in Africa in 1898. They stored their bones as trophies, Adam didn't want me to forget that... check out the movie Ghost in the darkness.

The museum offered a gorgeous view of the city!!!

My favorite (and I am talking of the whole Chicago trip here) was the third floor of the Field Museum. Dinosaurs were everywhere. Amazing. Huge. Awesome. The exhibit took you on a journey through "time." From the worldly perspective of Evolution of course. BUT even then it was SO clear that their is a Creator. I loved it. I feel like watching Jurassic Park right now!

We grabbed the famous Chicago dogs for lunch, then Heather and I dropped off our kids at the hotel for naps. We then escaped for a two hour mommy retreat. We went to
Renew Spa where we both had massages. It was THE BEST massage I have ever had! AND the greatest thing was that she said hers was the best ever as well.
We said goodbye to their family and headed for an evening out. We went to dinner at Hot Wok Cool Sushi, had to hit one sushi house for Adam, then to Millennium Park. We saw the Cloud Gate, otherwise known as "The Bean" and watched the Zamboni machine prepare the ice for the rink.

Day 5: Our last day in Chicago we walked to
The Art Institute. We saw tons of famous painting by Monet, Degas, Renoir and Seurat, just to name a few. Simply amazing, seriously. It reminds me that people are capable of so much more. They used to spend their time, you know, like creating! We now watch t.v., blog and go out for entertainment. It kinda makes me feel sad, yet inspired.

Nehemiah took his morning nap in the sling and we spent about 2 hours looking at all the fine art. It was a confusing building to get around and after days of walking mama finally broke. I could NOT get on one more elevator and look at one more map. I did enjoy it, but had to get on to some chocolate. Like now.

We hit our final spot on our Chicago must-do list. The Ghirardelli shop. We had the sinfully good sea salt hot chocolate. It was beyond amazing, my mouth just watered thinking about it. Their smooth chocolate topped with whipped cream and sea salt. If you have never had that combo, its out there these days, a perfect pairing. Adam and the kids shared some ice cream with hot fudge. It was the prefect way to end our time in Chicago.

Too bad parents and kids couldn't swap at this moment. We were pretty tapped! We headed on a three hour trip west to see our good friends.

Our time in Chicago was great. Not too cold and I knew everything we were going to do before we got there. We have a small regrets list of things we didn't get to do...
- Ice skating at Millennium Park: We had planned to do it, but the line was up to an hour and a half wait and it was starting to snow flurry. Avi Joy cried, but we pinky promised I would take her once we got home. I am looking forward to it, Adam not so much, that boy cannot skate.
Skydeck at Willis Tower: It was planned at the end of the day and by the time we got there, again it was an hour wait and they told us we had to stay up there for 25 minutes. My anxiety did a backflip and I just could not do it. It was like the hell I went through up in the St. Louis arch. Sounds cool until you are up there. Hopefully I will grow-up in this area and be brave.
- Riding all the public transportation: We wanted to experience the bus, subway, train and the elevated trains, but everything we had planned was in the city near our hotel. It was quicker and about the same price to take a taxi ride. Adam thought about going out one night to take an El around the city, I reminded him that if had chosen a different wife that might of happened.
- Wrigley Field: We wanted to go on a tour, to the gift shop and even heard the public could ice skate on the field, but everything opened Jan 4th. We were a few days short of this experience.
We drove out to see
Tracy, her finance Bret and two kiddos Rachel and Levi. We also met because we accepted referrals of two precious boys who shared a room. We were close to traveling to VN together, but God had other plans. I am so thankful to maintain relationships with other families whose children were born in the same provinces as my son and daughter.
As we were heading out of the city towards her house all I could see was snow and farms. I am a mid-city girl and was shocked at that much vastness. Adam comforted me when he said, "Look, we hit a town, there is a Dollar General."

The children meet again. That evening was filled with laughter, a homemade meal and sharing stories. And then yes, everyone headed to bed early!

Day 6: Rachel (16) offered to babysit kids and let Bret/Tracy and us go on a date. They took us to a nearby town called
Galena. Hometown of President Grant and the town has stayed in the 1850's. The architecture was gorgeous and the best word I can come up with to describe the town is quaint. Adam picked out
One Eleven on Main for us to eat and it was divine. We all enjoyed our drive through the country, a wonderful meal and adult conversation.

Rachel and I enjoyed playing dress-up for her New Year's Eve party with local youth group. I got to do her hair, make-up and be her official stylist. This was a highlight for me. LOVED IT! I can think of several callings I have missed in life, one I think I could have been was a personal stylist. Taking phone calls, booking events, doing hair, etc. Good news is that I will have teenagers soon enough and I'm pretty sure I will get to use this calling- ha!

Day 7: We hugged our friends goodbye (which bytheway we did not get even one picture of us together!) and headed to Kansas City. We ate some good ol' Kansas City BBQ at
Jack Stack's and headed for our hotel. You may be like enough with the food already. Sorry, food is part of the vacation and we are total foodies!
We could have pushed through and went home, but like I said earlier, the way there the kids did great, the way back was rough. Avi Joy is the perfect traveler. I can hand her an activity (dolls, stickers, books, movie) and she is happy. Nehemiah is a different story. Just the worst traveler, poor kid. He is uncomfortable, hates playing and throws everything down, does not watch movies at all and gets carsick. Soooo, we did the best we could. We needed some run around time and a good nights sleep before we headed home.
Day 8: Great vacation, but there is no place like home. And we celebrated Christmas with family!
My last two pics (phewh) are just ones for fun.
This Chicago church made me laugh out loud:
The Moody Church. Mood Issues Anyone?? This church can help. After looking through the website, it actually looks pretty cool.

My little Cleopatra at The Field Museum. They had a replica of a pyramid, full of mummies, scrolls in hieroglyphics, bowls and jewelry. But she was the cutest thing there.

Thank you to all our family that helped make this trip possible. We loved being able to visit Chicago, see our family, spend time with friends and as with all trips, through the highs and lows, we made memories!
The Perryman Family
LOVED this post. (sigh)...makes me miss Chicago. So glad you had a great time and survived the arctic temps!
Fun, fun fun! I visited Chicago as a young teen with my parents, and I loved it. I have since been dying to go back as an adult with Jarad and our friends. Your trip is an inspiration!
Glad it was great!
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