Monday, January 4, 2010

Nehemiah's First Sum Hop Day!

Sum Họp in Vietnamese means, "To unite, to come together."
ONE year ago today, January 6th, we were united with our child forever!
As part of our celebration we dressed Nehemiah in a traditional Vietnamese Ao Doi and took pictures.
I went to a craft show a few years ago and saw a sign that said:
BOY: A noise covered in dirt.
I laughed then, but now I reallllly get it.

Our boy is all-boy for sure. He is loud & lovey, fantastic & funny, wild & whiney, marvelous & moody and of course, curious & charming!
Picked out a few of my favorites from this year...
The moment we met.
Only 16 days later heading home.
Here is the LOUD...
And more Loud...
And so tired and sweet...
And ready for bed...
My top pick (If that is even possible, because they ALL are perfect and hold a "moment" in time. I also love some of the ones we just took today in Ao Doi!) BUT... here we were on Fathers Day making banana bread for my dad. He was just sitting at my feet in the kitchen enjoying a banana, but this looks so him, precious.
We chose his name, not only because we loved the book of the Bible, but because of the meaning of Nehemiah, it means, "God's compassion." We know that our Lord had compassion on our son and us. And out of all the families in the world God chose us to be a family forever, pure compassion.

Like all parents we think, "Where did this year go??" We have enjoyed our little guy so much. He adds a lot of spice to our home and we love seeing our two kids together.

"We will celebrate Your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of Your righteousness." Psalm 145:7. Like all families we have our own very bad days and struggles. BUT today we choose to put those "things" down and celebrate one year with our son!

Thank you for following our journey. We pray for many more blessed years to come.
The Perryman's


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

evie s. said...

He looks sooo handsome in his Ao Doi! Miss you all.

Nadra said...

Happy Sum Hop Day Perrymans. The pictures are great. Such a handsome little man. Love the "loud" pictures...they so capture the moment. Hope you guys have a fun time celebrating.

Lisa said...

Happy Sum Hop Day! The picture of Nehemiah in his traditional outfit is wonderful!

Rhonda said...

I absolutely LOVE the Ao Doi picture!! He just looks so great in it! Give him a smushy hug for me!