It is getting very hard to not show pictures of my sweet Beautiful on our blog. We are now sharing them in person, but you know, it's just hard to actually
see everyone that you want to show! I mean, hello- proud mama syndrome, I want to show everybody!!!
Ok, now that is off my chest, I will move on.
We headed to church this morning and our church is participating in
One Prayer. It was kinda odd and comforting to hear our old pastor share to thousands of churches across the world during this One Prayer series. Today's message was Unstoppable Courage. For anyone who knows me really well, you know I struggle in this area, so it was deeply encouraging.
Go watch it!When we got home, I just could NOT get ENOUGH of my precious daughter. I told her we were going to have a little photo shoot in the yard and of course, my girly girl, was all about it...

We had our first big crop come in last week. Cucumbers! Everywhere! And then we had many more grow this week as well. I am ready to hand them out if you need some : ) Other than that it has been slow growing. We had one batch of peas, one batch of green beans and some lettuce. Everything else was completely destroyed by some pests. I mean within a few days every single one of my beautiful squash was eaten. So sad! We finally had to break down and sprinkle some bug killer. I have learn a lot this year and know that we will do better next year with our veggies and fruits!

After talking about how Beautiful loves our "hot tub" in our bathroom the little kids now request taking these bubble baths too. I have to say that she seriously looks like an old man.

Nehemiah's could not quite get the gist of making of making a beard. He managed to get the bubbles to cover everything except his face. And I was in stitches over his little bubble machine down there being covered up.

Happy accident. When one makes a marker mess, turn it into a train. Hey, he was busy for about 10 minutes with this activity.

We all had dentist app't this week. Avi Joy LOVES the dentist. She loves sitting there, getting her teeth cleaned and flossed. And of course, getting a new pink toothbrush and a toy from the treasure chest.

Oompa Loompa #1

Oompa Loompa #2
This is the kind'of fun the Perryman's have when we are forced out of the house due to a house showing (which is not going well, by the way, because of our steep driveway, but we are still happy to show it to
anyone. Apparently this month has set some kind of record for the biggest house sales drop since 1963). We headed out to play and shop at Wal-Mart, because again, we are cool like that, and they had Wonka cut out's. Having time to kill allows for making silly memories.

Avi Joy attended India Camp last week while I worked in the nursery. I SOOOO love India camp. I love the people, the dress and oh, the food! Avi Joy is in the bottom left watching the girls dance Bollywood style!

She attended many classes: language, dance, music, henna, crafts, fun facts, storytelling, dress up, yoga and cooking. Here she is making
Nimki. She also made
Aloo Kabli and
Mishti Doi. Then they got to eat all 3 dishes. They gave the helpers a plate too. There are just no words to adequately describe how fresh and flavorful these dishes were. Yummmmm!
We celebrate with our sweet best friends who will be leaving for Pune, India for 4 years. They only have a few more months here in the US and then are off to do college ministry. Hopefully we will get to go visit them!

We got to hang out with a family we just love~ Brother and sisters, Akash, Rakhi and Aashna and one of their little friends, Simran. They are wonderful with my kiddos and have been helping take care of them since our first summer home with Avi Joy. They are not from an adoptive family, there mama is the master henna artist who serves at camp and this year she also taught the parents how to sew sari's. Amazing family!

Speaking of amazing families... we cherish our friendship with the Le family. We were able to recently catch-up at a splash pad playdate. They are a family of 4, their mother is caucation but their father is Vietnamese. They felt a calling to adopt and they started the process to adopt their fouth child (pictured in the middle) and we walked hand-in-hand together (and many times of tears and prayers) while we waited to travel. It ended up that we were both in air at the same time. I was in the air coming home with Avi Joy while she was in the air flying to Miss Bella.

I was excited to cater food for my mom's
Blume Spa and Studio grand opening. I served two tables of food and it brought me so much joy to plan a menu and provide delicious food for such a thrilling event. I mean, she gives us so much love, sacrifice and hours of free babysitting, how could we not do this little thing for her. If you are in Tulsa and looking for therapeutic massage, custom facials, body wraps, spray tanning, brow sculpting or Home Sweet Spa (in home parties) try out Blume! You will not be disappointed!

Little guy playing out in the backyard.

Hanging out with great grand-dad. They are especially fond of one another. They enjoy things like listening to grand-dad's hearing aid's whistle, trying on bifocals and talking about the good ol' days of buying peanut butter out of a huge canister. Apparently before individual jars, they had peanut butter in a vat behind the deli counter and you would order it by weight and they would slap some on a piece of paper, rolled it up and put it in a deli bag. Off you went with your P.B. True story, who knew!

One of my most favorite pictures ever. Avi Joy fell asleep reading her children's bible. The title says Jesus' friends leave Him. We all have had friends and family leave us for one reason or another. We have to cling to the one who will never leave us or forsake us. I see her faith growing every day. Truly a gift from Him to see her blossoming.

One thing I admire about the people in my house is their unstoppable courage. Adam has it, he has never been scared of anything, ever. Avi Joy so has it, child-like faith and trusts God and us, completely and boldly tries anything. And oh my, Nehemiah, he is amazing. When wrestling with him, instead of running like I do or Avi Joy would do, he charges at me like a lion. I love this about him. He is never scared. And if you listen to the message of One Prayer, they are the "charge the lion" type. Taking down the enemy with God's help. What good examples for me!
The Perryman's