I would like to add, just in case you were thinking of inviting me to a zoo playdate, I have my exceeded my yearly limit for visiting the zoo. We have been twice, my limit is once. Once is more than enough for me. We should have been three times because last week one of the outings for Vietnam camp was at the zoo, but I just could not drag myself to that place again, so we played hookie. Playing hookie is very unlike me too, but again, just could not wrap my mind around going to that place again. Maybe when I don't have to push two tired children on a stroller that weighs more than I do for miles, I will feel different.
We love our neighbors... the last two days all the kids have come over to our house to play and have popsicles. We have been in looove with making our own! Mom's seriously, make your own. It's fun. The kids love them. And they are healthier.
We have a four day visit with Miss K this weekend. An update about her is that we found out the meaning of her unique name. It is a Native American word that means "Beautiful". So from now on, we shall call our daughter Beautiful. I will not be able to use Beautiful's name until she is legally adopted. Which will not be until she has lived with us for 6 months. You can ask me in person or over email, but I cannot share pictures or her legal name on our blog.
We finalized our plans... she will stay with us every other week for the rest of the summer and her official move in date to our home is July 31st. We will then transition into homeschooling MWF and attending a local academy for electives on T/Th such as band, theater, typing, etc.
We will continue to update you after each visit!
We are working Dillon's Heritage camps this summer.... India, China and Korea camps. Avi Joy will be a camper this year. This will be my fifth year to be the nursery coordinator for the camps. I started when we began the process of adoption in 2005 and have loved being a part of something as amazing as heritage camps. I believe in the vision of these camps. I know they bring security and self-esteem to each child. Getting to learn about their birthland through dance, song, food, dress, language and playing with other children who were born in their same country and have a forever family that looks like their own is invaluable.
Nehemiah will be with me in my room and Beautiful will not be attending as the weeks she is here are not the weeks of camp. But again, super excited for Joy Joy to be a camper and meet friends born in every part of the world. I know she will love it.
And in closing. Made. The. Best. Meal. Ever! I have to share...
2 TB dried minced onions
1 1/2 tsp minced garlic
3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cubed small
1 (8-oz.) bottle sundried tomatoes packed in olive oil (the oil is used in the recipe, so don't drain)
2 cups half and half
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
1 tsp fresh cracked black pepper
1/2-1 tsp Cajun seasoning, depending on your taste, don't leave it out, it needs the salt
1 lb. penne pasta, cooked as directed on package and drained (it was about half my box)
Drain oil from sundried tomatoes into a large skillet. Chop the tomatoes into 1/2-inch pieces and set aside.(I want to add that next time, I might go ahead and try putting the whole jar with tomatoes and oil into my food processor to chop it up a bit finer.)
Heat skillet and saute onions, garlic, pepper, cajun seasoning and chicken breasts in the oil from the sundried tomatoes. Add the sundried tomatoes. Simmer 5 minutes. Add half and half. Stir well and simmer 5 minutes more. Add Parmesan. Stir until well combined. Pour over cooked and drained pasta and stir until combined.
HEAVEN I tell you!
I had two bowls, Nehemiah had two bowls, Avi Joy had 3 bowls!!! Adam was out of town, lucky me for leftovers : )
"How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
"Your God reigns!"
Isaiah 52:7
The Perryman's
Oh girl...I am so happy for your family. Can't wait to meet Beautiful!!! Looking forward to seeing you next weekend at India Camp.
You're so funny! As soon as I started to read the part where you were dissecting the word "parameters", I was intrigued and wanted to know more...before I even saw that you called me out on it!
So, I googled it, and it seems that it is a purely mathematical/scientific term...which is WAY beyond my typical realm of understanding. The definitions I found all had words like "constant" and "variable" and "equation" and "coordinates". Very confusing.
I think people (including me) tend to get it mixed up with the word perimeter. Well...THAT'S way more than you wanted to know, huh?
In a less ramble-ish note, I'm very, very excited to hear about all the family fun you are going to have in the coming weeks with Beautiful.
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