Here are some of the things we did together:
Baked Chocolate Chip Cookies
Made a scrapbook of our first meeting at the zoo
Played outside in the kiddy pool and bubbles
Made homemade playdough
Read many books each day
Made a spaghetti dinner together
Had family game night
Made smoothies and baked french toast for breakfast
Made earrings
Went grocery shopping at Wal-Mart
Sidewalk chalk
Went to the park and played and walked
I flat-ironed her hair
She took an hour long bubble bath
Had computer time, loved playing games
Called and checked in with foster grandma
Went out and had Mexican food
Painted nails
Watched a family t.v. show before bed
And more... but this was all my brain could remember!
This time of transition for her and for us could not be more perfect. Summer has that carefree type feeling and that is exactly what we need. I think this would be harder during winter and taking her in and out of school to have visits. Oh, trying to get back and play catch up in school would be so hard on top of all the other changes in life. We praise the Lord for His timing on bring Miss K into our family.
Both our social workers called to check-in with us after they dropped K off at home. (One worker drove her to OKC then the other took her the rest of the way home.) And they both said she was non-stop talking about our time together. They both asked how her time was with us and she said, "perfect." She gave them both the play by play of each activity we did together. I was amazed at how much she remembered. She told them we had a hot-tub in our bathroom. It's just a bathtub with jets, but I thought that was cute. Her favorite topics to tell them about was, making playdough, reading time, cooking meals and making earrings. I am so thankful that we used our time together to the fullest.
We plan on sending some fun things to her in the mail over the next couple weeks. We are working on a get-to-know-you sheet with lots of questions for her to answer. We will fill it out too and we can learn more about one another. Adam and I will also have our first meeting this week with our family counselor at church. We will have a debriefing about our time with K and discuss our joys and concerns. We plan on establishing a relationship with him and turning to him for wisdom, prayer and guidance, as family counseling is his gift from God.
Thank you for sharing in our joy and ever-growing family.
Something from my reading this week that was sweet was in Hosea 11:11, "'I will settle them in their homes," declares the Lord.'" Seemed perfect to me : )
We will keep you updated!
The Perryman's
wow...tears!!! Tears of joy are flowing from my eyes! I am so proud of you my dearest friend! Thank you for sharing! You are such a good mommy and I am praying for you! Love you! :)
So awesome! It doesn't sound like it could have gone any better.
I love reading about your adoption journey. You are showing your children Jesus in action. You give them so much love and attention. Every child deserves a good home like that!
How sweet that K was talking non-stop about your time together! I know you ar all so excited!
Praise God! I love everything about this post. The quilt is not only beautiful to look at, but also beautiful in meaning. What a special gift to you daughter. I am so happy that your visit went so well. You have blessed that precious little girl in so many ways and I can tell she has blessed you as well! Amazing, just amazing! Thank you for letting us tag along this journey with you!
Natasha, I just read the sweet comment you left on my blog. Thank you so much!
Sounds like the PERFECT kind of weekend! The quilt you made is just gorgeous!
Wonderful, wonderful news. I know that K will be so blessed to be a part of your family. And she will also be a blessing to you!
Can't wait to meet her!
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