We had many fun things planned for the summer and we just crossed the finish line!
Last week we worked Dillon
Internationals final heritage camp.
We loved Vietnam, India and China camp and Korea was no exception.
All the children (17 in our class) were precious and I always love meeting colorful families & hearing their stories.
This little guy's name is Jake. I have had him in my class for 3 years now. He is a doll baby! His momma also has 3 other kids (4 within 4 years, but the first two and last two are less than a year apart- all special needs adoptions).

Six moms and 13 kids headed over to the
Lydens house for a "pool" party. The set-up was perfect, two small pools with slides into them. The kids had a great and safe time.

The youngest little one there was 1 month old, Trinity.

Donna did a great job taking all the pics!

She enjoyed using our new camera to capture all the children and I enjoyed actually being in a pic with my child! Nehemiah's tee-shirt we bought at the market in Can Tho and my
VN hat I got from a street vendor in

At the end of the pool party we all devoured our shark cupcakes.
Soooo cute and easy!

This scripture is for my sweet girlfriend Kristin...
"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."
Psalm 5:2-3
The Perryman Family
1 comment:
So sad I missed the gathering. How adorable Trinity is. Looks like loads of fun! Rhonda
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