Just wanted to get you excited that we are expecting.
OK, in the adoption world that we are in, being "with child", pregnant on paper or knowing that you have a child growing in your heart are all the same.
God builds families in many different ways and the "way" a child is brought to your home is usually amazing, but the end result is just a beautiful family.
Let's all agree that one way is not better than another.
Different, but all remarkable.
After reading my friends post titled Decision 2008 International Adoption, I was compelled to honestly share our unfolding story.
So- we are announcing that our family is growing!
But in a very wild way.
And it has been prayed about for many months and the direction is clear.
So we are following His lead unless that door closes.
But we hope it stays open until the perfect child joins our family.
here goes...
First, we sought international adoption. Our agency Dillon gave us a list of country programs to review and pray over. None were a right fit.
Second, we sought out other agencies that might have other international country programs available. After looking through the packets and countries, it wasn't a right fit either.
Third, we felt like maybe this was the time to have biological children. We talked through this and we were both on the same page. It was just not a right fit, our hearts were elsewhere.
Fourth, we thought about domestic adoption. It took some time for our hearts to wrap around this idea. But it did seem to fit, so we went looking for more information.
Fifth, we decided on working with DHS (Department of Human Services). Applying for our state's adoption program (not the foster program). Children are available whose parents right have been terminated due to various factors.
Sixth, we told our parents and children all about our decision. Praise God for our support team.
Seventh, We started working on all our paperwork, medical updates, homestudy, fingerprints and will be starting the 35 hours of required classes in September. But amazingly, it is all free.
I mean what!?
Eighth, we had to tell DHS about our hearts desire. And here is where it gets WILD and EXCITING... we are applying for multi-race (not sure yet, but Asian, Hispanic, etc.) and a child who is 5-6 year of age. We believe have an older child waiting to join our family.
Avi Joy asked, "Will my older sister have a face like yours or a face like mine mama?" Wow, honestly, she never ceases to amaze me.
"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling."
It does not say...
A father to the infant fatherless.
Or a father to the perfect fatherless.
It was revealed to me that God is in the business of providing families for ALL fatherless children. Unfortunately it does not come to pass for all children, but we have to TRUST that our God knows what He is doing and it will be a blessing to have an older child join our family.
We will keep you updated about how life unfolds...
In the meantime we will keep praying and dreaming.
Adam, Natasha, Avi Joy and Nehemiah
That's awesome guys! We will definetley be praying with you guys through this process.
God is so good and so amazing. May you continue to be blessed many times over for following His leading. I'm so excited to watch this process unfold.
Love you guys and your ever growing family.
WOW! We will definitly pray for ou guys as you stepout on this amazing journey!
Yea!! Congratulations!! I am looking forward to seeing what God has in store for your family!
How exciting Natasha! God bless you all on the new journey!
Wow! What exciting news!!
Wow! That came out of left field! I can't wait to get together and hear the whole story! I have a million questions, of course!
Wow, yay! I'm so excited for you.
Ummm...I have two words...PUERTO RICAN! j/k I'm so happy for you two. Congratulations!
Most excellent! Wild, crazy, exciting and just plan cool! Godspeed!
Praise God for the child He has waiting for you! You are in our prayers!
Hee, hee,I am excited!
Wow! I stand a amazed. And you had me going at first. Pregnant? I think it is awesome that your family is still growing. How do you get your husband on board? We have Rocco and I want more so, so badly. Until hubby agrees our family will stay at 3. Congrats and keep your blog friends posted!
yay!!! I am so excited for you!!
I am so excited for all of you! I am an early childhood therapist for kids who are in the Nevada foster system and there is nothing I want for them more than a loving stable home. You are all in my prayers with this wonderful new process!
Wow! Very cool. Can't wait to see what God has in store!
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