We had a great afternoon with our neighborhood kiddos. Avi Joy truly loves Lexi, Sungbum and Jiho. When we came outside to play, the older kids had set-up a 25 cent Gatorade stand. They ran door to door asking people to come over. The cop across the street was happy to hand over a dollar! The kids actually said they were rich.

My favorite picture of the afternoon. Lexi and Sungbum. She recently told me that she had a boyfriend. When I asked who it was, her direct quote was... "Well, I have two boyfriends, both Sungbum and Jiho!"

Then we headed in for dinner and got ready for bed. When I told Nehemiah it was time to get ready, this was the sweet face I saw in the mirror. Good thing he is precious. He was hard today... teething and "little procedure" stuff.

Avi Joy joined us and they had a scream-off before brushing their teeth.

What I learned today: The scripture, "God's mercies are new every morning," really applies all day. My morning was great, but the day was trying. And as I walked through the day I could actually 'see' new mercies flowing into our lives!
The Perryman Family
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