We started doing school one day a week with Avi Joy. For Christmas she got a preschool workbook and literally craves doing her workbook. It's basically matching, tracing, what doesn't belong, sorting and such. I really like it too. We plan on doing one day a week until August then we will start 2 days a week. I am a sllllooowww to start kind-of-mom with school.
Daily we do crafts, read books and trust me- TALK a LOT, this girl can talk and ask questions, so it kinda feels like school daily, but this is sit down actual "school" time. She loves learning. I am so thankful for this part of her- oh and she remembers E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!- like it or not.
- Brother is playing with pots in the kitchen. She put one on his head and said, "Do you want to be a pot head?" Ummm, NO.
- She told me the other day, "Sorry, up yours." Ummm, again, what? Sorry for inter'up'ting you.
- I asked her if she napped or rested during her alone time. She said she played with her imaginary friends. I asked them their names. She said, "Mama, they don't have names, their astamoids." Apparently, non-human imaginary friends.
See, now that I am trying to remember them, I am forgetting them. I try to write them down, but then I lose the paper. Wrote some in my journal, but can't find them! I mean, come on, I'm trying here!
We are attending a DHS adoption party this Saturday. This is where many children throughout the state who are available for adoption come together for a huge carnival. The families interested in adoption are sent an invitation to come and play with the children. All the social workers will be there and if you are interested in a child/ren then you can talk to their social worker and asked to be contacted with further info on this child in hopes of being a match for the child. Good news for the children, the adoption parties are 80% successful and end in adoption.
Our prayer is that God opens our Spiritual Eyes and we can SEE who would be a good match for our family. We are open. We are praying for a child 5 and up, multi-cultural and open to siblings. We shall see. It may not happen, but we might meet our forever child!
"In the morning, O Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation." Psalm 5:3
Thank you for following our family journey,
Adam, Natasha, Avi Joy and Nehemiah
Sweet update, Natasha. Gotta love beautiful, happy children :o) They are just adorable!!
I am looking forward to seeing what plans God has for your precious family! So exciting!! Hope you guys have a wonderful time at the carnival :o)
Nehemiah looks SO grown-up or something in that photo of him getting ready to go outside. Maybe it's the bangs? He just looks very fashion-forward. I love it!
I think the adoption party sounds so cool! Is it a yearly things? Or twice a year? I bet it would be super fun to attend, even if you weren't adopting! I'll be waiting for a post about what it was like.
Also, up yours. :) That's hilarious!!
You have to call me after the adoption party on Saturday....well, I'll give you a few days to call me. I am so curious to know everything about it. Praying.....
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