We have been working on her baby quilt and something fun we have discovered is cutting off the sleeves of her baby clothes and wearing them as leg and arm warmers. I will let the next four pictures speak for themselves. Melt my heart!

The best kind of sharing!

Hanging with Kerrie at a Vietnam Camp meeting. He is talking on her cell phone and taking notes. Good thing she is used to an active boy.

Watching Cops with daddy. I am still not sure how I feel about Cops at such a young age. This is the only real adult show she has seen, although she has seen some American Idol singing and to compare the two, AI actually has more language! She adores her Cops with daddy time and I have to admit its pretty darn cute. She does want to be a cop (along with the typical other 100 things toddlers want to be when they grow up) and she tries to arrest her brother. She also wants to know why drugs are bad and all the details about breaking the law.

We had a surprise visit from the Woods family. They are long time friends that moved to San Antonio recently. Last week she called and said, "What are you doing? Can I come by?" She had an impromptu visit to see her family and was a little early to see her grandma who lives nearby so she/kids hung out for a bit. What a treat! Thank you!

Watching daddy leave for work. Love his little skinny Vietnamese body. He does have quite a round tummy though, could it be because he never.stops.eating?! He eats more than I do for sure, oh those teenage years...

Favorite thing- the sunglasses. I love that I can walk around the corner and he will have them on: at the table, in the tub, while he is singing or in the car.

We also started potty (#2) training Nehemiah. Its wild to think that by his age Avi Joy was saying, "Diapers are like so 2006." Not as quick as her, but he is doing awesome, only a couple accidents a week. We (with a push from my mama who trained me crazy early) potty trained Avi Joy starting at 16 months and by 18 months she was good to go. (But by the way, she just learned this week to wipe herself and is still in night diapers.) We started with him at 19 months, just focused on "poo-poo on the potty" about 4 times a day. Sister is SO sweet and always rewards him with stickers and kisses. I know, I know, every parent differs in their theories of potty training- wait until their ready, etc. That is not us. We constantly expose our kiddos to potty use and it works for us. Now when the shoot and aim arrives shortly this might be a different story!
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Oregon Trail!
Praise be to the Lord. Psalm 41.
The Perryman Family
Love the potty talk. Yes, every parent is different and I think it is so interesting to hear how people do it. Liam has only pooped in the toilet a couple of times and it was a surprise to both of us each time. BUT, he sits to pee every day. The point and shoot method is WAY messy and (I'm afraid) takes years (if ever) to master. Ben is still working on his aim. Best of luck.
Love all the pics of Avi Joy. She cracks me up!
We are currently working on the point and shoot method, and it is not going well. As Mason says, "I pee-pee all over the place." I think my son has unusual plumbing b/c his stuff shoot straight up if it's not held just right. Crazy! BUT, he is finally out of night time diapers. I guess we'll just keep tackling one task at a time.
Cute pictures! Good luck on the potty training. Sounds like N is doing great!
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